Chapter Five

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"What the hell is this Aria!?!" Roy yelled showing me a picture of a man with a knife his thigh. "One of the guys from a bank robbery I helped stop," I said. "You have never done stuff like this," Roy said. "Stuff like what hurt people? Cause we both know I have," I said. "Not like this. Your specialty's always been hand to hand combat and maybe an arrow to the foot or shoulder every once in a while but this? This isn't you. The Aria I know," he said. "The Aria you know is dead. The league killed her. I'm all that's left. Ahan-ria is all that's left," I told him. I walked past him and into the building. Everyone was staring at me. "What's going on?" I asked. "Alice isn't answering her phone and we can't trace her," Cisco said. "Try this," I said taking a small chip out of my bag and handing it to Felicity. "What's this?" Felicity asked. "Last time I couldn't find Alice was just after Felicity taught me my computer skills. When I found her I decided to put a tracker in something she brings everywhere. It put it in the anklet I gave her. She wears it where ever she goes," I explained. "Got her she is headed south on Freemont," Felicity said. "Can we get eyes on her?" I asked. "Traffic camera feed coming up now," she said. A video came up on a screen. I watched as Alice ran past covered in blood clutching her shoulder. "Oh my god," Felicity said. "Barry?" I asked. "Let's go," he said grabbing me and taking off. "She stopped in an alley about two blocks from the traffic camera," Caitlin said through my earpiece. When we got there Ali was lying on the ground with a black arrow in her stomach. "Ali! Oh my god! Please wake up Ali," I said crying. Her eyes opened "Aria?" She asked faintly. "Yeah I'm here Ali," I said. "The man, he left this for you," she said showing me the paper in her hand. I put it in my pocket. Ali's eyes closed. "Please Ali wake up. Open your eyes. Please Ali please," I cried. I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Barry. I held Ali's hand. Barry wrapped his arms around me. I kept crying. "What's going on?" Caitlin asked through my earpiece. "Ghost is down," Barry said from behind me. I took the paper out of my pocket.
You have betrayed the league,
Her death is just the first,
Our arrow killed her but make no mistake,
Her death is your fault,
The League of Assassins
I dropped the note and broke down. Barry picked it up and read it. He put it in his pocket and hugged me. We brought her body back to S.T.A.R Labs.

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