Tears Of The Clouds

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"G-good day, I am Hwang Yeji. 25 years old." Yeji nervously said and bowed at the man who is sitting in the darkness by himself.

The man stood up and took a few steps closer to the cat-eyed girl. The evil aura he had made Yeji more intimidated and nervous. "What do you want?" The man said while giving Yeji a serious look.

Yeji's heart started beating so fast when she met eyes with the man who had a sharp look on his face. Yeji didn't want to get killed, she just wanted to earn money so she decided the act very polite towards the man. "I-I want to j-join your gang." Yeji nervously said and gave the man a bow.

The man took out his pistol and pointed at the cat-eyed girl because he's not the type of man to easily trust anyone. "You're an undercover cop, aren't you?" The man said and placed his finger on the trigger making the cat-eyed girl even more nervous than before.

Yeji placed her hands in the air and started trembling as this is her first time seeing a gun pointed at her. "N-no. I'm j-just a girl who wants to e-earn money."

The man dropped his gun as he realized that the trembling girl isn't an undercover cop. "How did you even find us?" The man said and took out a cigarette stick and returned to his seat.

"I-I." Yeji was too nervous to explain.

"This girl effortlessly found us, boss. I can tell that she is intelligent and we can use that to track people we want to kill." One of the men said.

"Right, but she still needs to do a mission for me before she can join our gang." The man said and lighted his cigarette stick.

Yeji felt a little bit excited but her heart was still beating so fast out of fear. "I-I'll do anything." Yeji said and stood up.

"Alright. I want you to track Mr. Ryong Minsoo." The man said and showed him a picture of the target.

"O-okay a-and?" Yeji nervously said.

The man stood up and grabbed a pistol from his desk and handed it to Yeji. "He's a man who doesn't regularly pay his debts. I hate people who don't pay debts. I want you to track him and kill him."

"I-if I kill him, I'm p-part of the gang?" Yeji said and took the gun.



After 4 years of being stuck in a jail cell with strangers that crave for violence and would beat her up in their free time, Yeji is finally free.

"Hwang Yeji, you can go." The prison guard said and opened the door for the cat-eyed girl.

The moment Yeji stepped out of prison, she let out a sigh in relief and a smile as the feeling of fresh air and sunlight satisfied her. For 4 years she was lonely, she had no friends and all she can do to entertain herself is through a diary. Yeji's best friend is a mirror because when she tells a happy story, it smiles.

After minutes of enjoying freedom, the giant smile that formed on the cat-eyed girl's face quickly dissolved into a scared face as she saw a familiar looking man walking towards.

"Hwang Yeji." The man said and took off his sunglasses.

"C-choi Soobin." Yeji nervously said and tried to avoid eye contact with the guy who gave her an intimidating look. "I'm going back." Yeji said and walked towards the prison.

"Wait." Soobin said and grabbed Yeji's hand. "You got caught, Yeji. Why didn't you kill the target? why did you hesitate? you saved him. You did the complete opposite." Soobin said.

Yeji faced the man and stood up straight as she is ready to give the scary man a honest answer. "I-I'm sorry. It's not that easy to kill." Yeji nervously said and looked down.

"Sure. I can still give you a second chance, Hwang Yeji." Soobin said and brought his face closer to Yeji's lips.

The cat-eyed girl avoided the man who reeks of cigarette and alcohol. "N-no. I d-don't want a second chance. Kill him yourself." Yeji boldly said at the man who had a disappointed look on his face and walked away.

"Wait, Yeji." Soobin said and grabbed Yeji's warm and trembling hands once again. "I can help you." Soobin said and took out money from his pocket and placed it in Yeji's hand.

"I don't want your money, Choi Soobin. I'm living a healthy life. I want to live away from violence." Yeji said and threw Soobin's money on the dirt and walked away.

"You just wasted your second chance, Hwang Yeji. Do you even have any idea how hard it is to get a job and earn money? what're you going to do? be a waitress for the rest of your life?!" Soobin shouted out of frustration.

"Sure but it's better than taking innocent lives. It's better than your job, Choi Soobin. You literally trade lives for money." Yeji coldly said and walked away.


I miss you, guys." Yeji said while holding three different kinds of flowers.

"Dad, I'm sorry. I know that you didn't treat me that good in the past but you still raised me well. I'm sorry for running away and letting you die alone. I can't call myself a good daughter." Yeji said and placed a clove pink flower on her father's grave and switched her attention to her mother's.

"Mom, you fought a good fight. I'm sorry if my life didn't go the way you wanted it to. I want to go back to studying but I'm an ex-convict and I think it would be pointless to study. For you, I won't take my own life because I know that you want me to keep living." Yeji said and smiled.

As tears started to form on her eyes, the skies did the same. "It's raining." Yeji said and took out her hand to feel the tears of the clouds.

"Stop crying, Mom and Dad. I'm gonna be fine." Yeji said and let out a big smile before checking another grave.

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