"If no cure can be found here, it's plausible that the answer doesn't lie on Earth," a scientist participating through a screen infused a note of optimism into the discussion.

"What are you suggesting?" Dr. Adler's curiosity was piqued.

"That while our current technology may not yield a cure, more advanced technology might."

Adding to the conversation, the remote scientist continued, "We've been in contact with global organizations, pooling our efforts to find a solution. A team of experts based in the United States, within NASA, is collaborating toward this end, along with research centers like ours."

"Have you heard of the exoplanet Helios?" the screen scientist inquired rhetorically.

"No, I'm not familiar with it."

The doctor elaborated, "Helios is an exoplanet making contact with Earth through video messages. It exists outside our solar system. The possibility exists that they might possess the means to assist us."

"If this information is known to you, why haven't you sought their aid?" Dr. Adler pondered aloud.

"We have, but our technology struggles to instantaneously transmit messages across such vast distances or to fully decipher an alien language."

"They've attempted communication with various governments, but bridging the technological gap remains beyond our reach at present," the screen scientist added.

"Worldwide health and agriculture systems are approaching their limits. The food supply is diminishing rapidly. We have a dedicated team ready to establish a base camp and collaborate in search of a cure. Our intent is to unite our efforts and establish contact before others do," the other doctor concluded.

"We need everyone's help to figure it out, or we will all die."

"If we depart immediately in the two vans stationed outside, we could reach Barawa by tomorrow afternoon."

While contemplating the challenges he might face upon his return home, Dr. Adler recognized his unwavering commitment. He set out for Barawa accompanied by an assembly of brilliant doctors and scientists. Upon arriving, they gathered samples of his tincture and research from his lab before heading to meet with the Sultan.

Dr. Adler implored the visiting doctors not to reveal his presence during the city visit, instructing them to portray a different narrative – that it was their team providing aid.

Alyssa had provided cover, and the Sultan hadn't pressed further about his absence.

The visitors were received warmly, treated to drinks, and then led to the plague-infested fields to discuss their strategy.

"We're facing a dire situation. Alien intervention? All of you coming here?" the Sultan's reaction was incredulous.

"Not necessarily. Our chances improve if we're operating within a zone with a lower infection rate. However, we require your approval to establish a camp here, subject to the judgment of a board of scientists and doctors, and to continue our collaborative efforts."

"Lower infection rate? Have you observed your surroundings?"

"We have, and trust us, relatively speaking, you have it better."

"I'm uncertain about this. Our focus should be human trials and blood sample studies. We shouldn't be adding more individuals."

"That won't get us anywhere. We need to all work together. We've tried it all. We've exhausted every avenue. Earth itself has exhausted all possibilities," Dr. Darren implored.

One of the doctors interjected, "I recognize it's a long shot, but it's our only option. We possess the necessary connections and are prepared to establish a base here."

"I must present this to our council and our citizens first."

"I'm afraid we can't afford to wait here indefinitely."

"I cannot make this decision alone."

"We have tasks to undertake ourselves and need to confer with the scientists we'll be collaborating with. We'll return to Somalia immediately. Once your decision is reached, broadcast it through the radio station, and we'll return here promptly."

"Thank you, doctors, for your time and your willingness to assist."

As Dr. Adler and the Sultan made their way back to the lab, they exchanged insights gained from their discussions with the other doctors and scientists.

Prior to the doctors' departure for Somalia, they bid their farewells and covertly urged Dr. Adler to consider their proposition.

"Sultan, please grant me a favor."

"What can I do for you?"

"No matter the outcome of their decision, or whatever fate befalls me, I implore you to always watch over my Alyssa." While the council was on his mind, he also alluded to the dangers he faced daily. Driven by his dedication to combating the pandemic, he remained prepared to face even death if it meant saving lives. Fear of mortality wouldn't deter him from using every resource to fight against the crisis.

"That's a given. I'll safeguard my people with my life, Doctor."

Dr. Adler felt better after being assured he would be there for his daughter if anything happened to him. He wanted to make Alyssa proud more than anything else, especially because of how worried she had become. He feared not being there for her in her time of need. Yet his obsession propelled by his passion for his profession and his relentless pursuit of a cure, he pressed forward, determined to employ his expertise in the most impactful way, regardless of the potential consequences.

CollidedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora