Pancake Cookie + Babysitter! Reader

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Requested by XXBubblyBunnieXX

it was a normal sunny day at the playground in the cookie city, and many children were playing on swing sets, slides, sandboxes, playing hide n seek, or tag as they ran about, laughing, screaming, and having fun with their friends. At the other side of the playground were picnic tables that had a few family members of the children who were there and keeping an eye on them incase of emergency, and at one of the tables were just two cookies talking to each other as they played patty cake. "Y/N can I go play with my friends please?" the smaller cookie looked at the other with adorable, purple eyes as they pleaded to the cookie. "Well alright pancake cookie! Just be careful ok?" Y/N replies with a smile as they saw the little acorn loving cookie smile and jump in glee as they nyoom off to play with their friends.

Y/N was a babysitter to pancake cookie, and good friends with Roll Cake Cookie who was busy destroying things with his giant roadroller somewhere away from the city. How the two met was a funny coincidence as one of the two was looking for a babysitter to care for Pancake while he was away and the other was looking for a job as a babysitter to watch over one of the kids as the other had to go out to do their work or someplace they couldn't bring kids to. When they met, they both hit it off as they hung out, albeit Roll Cake was quite destructive, almost swinging his hammer a few times while Y/N narrowly avoided it. When Y/N met Pancake Cookie, they were soon met with a flying adorable child gliding to their face and the older sibling to the child panicked when both cookies went to the ground when the other landed.

 Pancake Cookie seemed confused but happy as he turned to face his brother, and the older sibling had to apologize to the other on the floor as he helped them up. That was the start of the trio's friendship after the "flying squirrel" incident. Now to the playground with the two, Pancake Cookie was already with his friends as they played together and Y/N was watching him from the picnic tables that was next to one of the swing sets the kids ran past by. As Y/N smiled to pancake cookie who turned around and waved at them happily, they waved back as they watched the child get tagged by his friends and the chase continues as the other chuckled at the sight. 'its so cute to see them playing together. Roll Cake was right, Pancake Cookie is fun to hang out with and quite fun to babysit.'

As time passed by slowly, but also a bit quickly, Pancake Cookie waved bye-bye to his friends as he saw them getting picked up by other relatives or babysitters, and he ran up to Y/N who was reading a book at the picnic table. "Y/N, Y/N! Can I have an acorn jelly please?" he asks as he was now in front of them, and when Y/N looked up from their book, they laughed when pancake cookie tugged on their shirt. "Alright alright, here ya go pancake." as Y/N took out an acorn jelly from the small lunch bag, Pancake Cookie smiled and gratefully took it as he started to munch on his favorite snack. "So, you had fun with your friends?" "Yeah! We played tag and hide n seek together!" as the two then finished up their snacks, and had readied themselves to go home, Pancake Cookie insisted that Y/N would give them a piggy-back ride to home.

Y/N being a babysitter to the energetic, fun-loving, adorable, mischievous cookie laughed alongside Pancake as they walked back home before Roll Cake Cookie arrived back from doing his demolishing work far from the city. To both of them, it was a fun, eventful day at the park and it was one of the best things that had happened for Pancake Cookie with his favorite babysitter.

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