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The next morning when you wake up everything just seems.. brighter.

You get ready for the day, deciding to wear a brightly coloured, long sleeve, button down blouse tucked into high waisted, white trousers.

You add a bit of product to give your hair some volume, slightly curling the ends to give it a feathered look.

You apply a little makeup before going downstairs.
You make yourself a drink, barely sitting down before the door knocks.
"Oh, Agnes." You gasp, almost running for the door.

You almost completely forgot Agnes was coming round, after yesterday and being preoccupied this morning with simply getting ready it had slipped your mind.

You open the door, being greeted with that gorgeous smile and those lovely baby blue eyes.
You never realised her eyes were blue, but you can't deny thay they're beautiful.

"You gonna stand there all day, doll?" You move out of her way, a small smile on your face at the nickname, which seems to have stuck.

You watch her walk over to your sofa, the navy blue of her dress contrasting the light leather.
Your linger by the door for a moment, just taking Agnes in.

It feels like you're seeing her in a completely different light. Her dark brown hair rests neatly against her shoulders.

Her dress is knitted, she wears a cream shirt underneath it with the sleeves cuffed at the end.
The top of the dress is navy blue, with matching trim at the bottom, below a geometric gold pattern.

She wears a necklace with a gold chain, and the same piece of jewellery you've seen her wear as a broach, which matches her watch, which is black with gold accents.
Which, also matches her shoes.

You sit next to her now, not having said anything yet.
"You're in a world of your own today, I see." She smiles, "I couldn't join you could I? Today just feels a little bit.. off."
You chuckle, "if I could have your company, Agnes, I would."

Agnes says nothing, although you can tell she is thinking carefully about something.
She seems quite amused by it, but you don't ask.

"Say, you've never shown me your back yard before, how about a look?" You shrug and nod, pulling your eyes from her and making your way to the back door.

You open the door, gesturing for Agnes to go first, but she insists that you do.
So, simply, you do.

"This is beautiful, so many colours. This must be a lot of work." Agnes lingers by the door.

"I haven't done much with it since I moved in, it's a wonder that everything is in such good shape." You reply, crouching next to the flowerbed.

The whole garden is filled with brilliant colours, all kinds of sweet scents and even tastes if you take from the bed with herbs.

"What's your favourite thing out here, hon?"
"Oh, well.. my favourite flower has to be the carnation, they're beautiful, and my favourite herb has to be rosemary. Mine seems to be going quite wild." You gently push back the plant, although it springs back into place.

You laugh, gently rubbing your fingers against the leaves. The smell is wonderful.
You stand, turning to face Agnes.
She is watching you with a soft smile on her face, a nice change from her usual wide grin.

"Would you like some tea?" You ask her, realising you never offered. "I could maybe make some herbal tea, I'm almost certain I have some herbs in the kitchen ready for that sort of thing." Agnes thinks for a second.

"How about this, doll, let me just nip home and I'll grab us some of the cake and biscuits I made, you can make the tea while I'm gone and some sandwiches. Later we can have afternoon tea in the garden?"

You feel the smile on your face grow wide at the thought of it. "I'd like that."
"Well then, I best be off. Don't you worry though, doll, I'll be back in a jiffy." You nod your head, watching Agnes leave through the side gate.

You dash into the house, gathering what you need for some rosemary tea, after all it is your favourite.
While the water boils you search in the back of a cupboard, digging out a large blanket for the two of you to sit on.

You're surprised when you find it, the blanket is cold, it almost feels damp to the touch.

Which simply isn't possible given there is no sign of water leaking.
You bring it out anyway, laying it on the grass and bringing out a few plates.
Just to keep it down.

You quickly make some sandwiches, cutting them into triangles and placing them on a plate which you cover with a cloth.
You also decide to chop up some fruit and place that in a bowl.
Something extra to add to your meal.

Finally you turn your attention back to the tea, which smells wonderful.
You place the tea pot on a tray, alongside two cups and saucers.
Time to take them outside.

Once in your back yard you discover Agnes sat on the blanket.
You hadn't realised she had come back yet, although you're glad she has with everything ready.
Plus she brought biscuits and cake, both of which look very appetising.

"Tea?" You ask, taking a seat on the blanket next to Agnes.
"Oh, please."

The two of you sit together in the garden for some time.
Afternoon turns to evening as the two of you enjoy your food, not speaking much until most of it has been eaten.

"So, what do your parents think of you living out here all alone?" Agnes asks.
"Well, my father encouraged it really. My mother passed away and he had told me to go live my life." Agnes frowns.
"What happened to your mother?" She asks, voice gentle.

"I'm not sure. I don't remember. I just know even after so long it still hurts so very much." You can't describe the look that crosses Agnes' face.

She looks sad, but distant. As if, although listening, her mind is elsewhere.

"What brought you here, Agnes?" You ask, placing your hand on her knee to bring her back to the here and now.
She looks down at your hand quickly, but turns her eyes to you.

"Well, hon, I was just drawn here. There was something pulling me here." You raise your eyebrow, "I'll tell you sometime, but not this evening."
"I can work with that." You state.

Noticing how quickly night is approaching you start to gather the plates, Agnes following suit.
The two of you tidy the garden and wash the pots.
You don't speak much, simply getting on with it.

As time has passed you have noticed Agnes' demeanour change.
She seems more relaxed than she did when you first met her, when you met Wanda for the first time.
She seems more herself.

Her jokes are fewer, she seems more interested in sincerity over humour.
She seems less bubbly overall, although it doesn't change how much you enjoy having her company.

"I suppose I really should get going." Agnes states, the two of you having just finished cleaning everything up.
"It is quite late." You add.
"It is indeed, a lady's got to get her beauty sleep." Agnes jests.

You chuckle in response, nodding. Now you think about it you do feel quite tired.

You walk Agnes to the front door, opening it for her.
"I've had a lovely evening, Y/n."
"As have I." Agnes smiles, clasping her hands together.

"Anyway, I should be off. Thank you for the tea, for everything." Before you can respond Agnes leans forward, placing a single kiss on your cheek. "I'll see you soon, doll, okay?"

Unable to find the words you just nod, cheeks likely a light shade of pink.
Agnes gives you a small wave as she heads over the road back to her own house.
Like usual you wait to see she is safe before closing the door.

As you turn the lights off and head upstairs your mind is racing.
So is your heart.

You feel alive, your head feels even clearer than it has done.
You realise now just how much you have fallen for Agnes.
The two of you have spent a lot of time together, and after tonight you cannot deny how you feel.

Less Lonely With You (Agatha Harkness X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now