Adeline was worried for both her husband and friend. She could careless what happened to Mikayla, she hardly knew her. But Stefan and Klaus were very important to her. She knew Klaus would end up fine no matter what— I mean he couldn't be killed but Stefan was a different story.

"You'll be careful?" She questioned.

"There is no need to worry love— I can't be killed." He smirked, kissing her on the cheek. He disregarded her obvious concern for Stefan. But her friend gave her a silent nod, letting her know he would be okay.

The boys filed out of the house and Mikayla stepped aside for a moment, pulling her phone from her pocket.

"We're leaving now— she's staying in the compound." She whispered and ended the call quickly.


Klaus, Stefan, Kol and Mikayla made it to the witches quarters. The only person who could step on the grounds was Klaus since he had previously been invited in when they kidnapped Adeline. He contemplated going in alone— he didn't think he needed the help anyways, but then he thought it might be better to lure them out. He didn't fancy being on the grounds of vengeful ancestor witches anyways.

"Sophie!!!" He shouted, he voice growling. "Come out here and face me you coward!"

It took a moment but soon she approached from the old witches tomb with two witches standing behind her.

"What do you want Klaus? Our business with you is done— you made that clear." She huffed.

"On the contrary, you got back into my business when you attempted to kill my wife and unborn child."

Sophie and the two other witches looked between each other, sharing shocked expressions. Fear struck through their core, if Klaus thought they tried to kill Adeline, then he was here to kill them.

"Don't try to act shocked now love. You started this war, you should have known I attend to finish it." He smirked.

"Klaus, you have to listen to us. We had nothing to do with it!" Sophie pleaded.

He shook his head and began pacing back and forth.

"I won't hear any lies!" He yelled. "You conspired with Marcel! Even after leading me to believe you wanted him gone. You witches really have no loyalty, do you?"

Sophie's shocked expression stayed present on her face. She truly had no idea what Klaus was talking about. She had heard about chaos breaking out at the wedding, but the witches had nothing to do with it. She was desperate to prove that to him, because if she didn't it could mean the end of their coven for good.

"Marcel?! I would never work with him— EVER." She insisted.

Klaus shook his head. "Then how did he find out it was Adeline who was pregnant?! No one else knew!"

"Someone else had to have known! We haven't said a word. None of the witches that remain are stupid enough to cross you."

"Klaus— maybe they are telling the truth." Stefan pointed out. Stefan could sense the truth behind Sophie words. They didn't seem like they had any clue Marcel was involved— he didn't want innocent people to pay for someone else's sins when he knew they needed to know who truly did it to protect Adeline.

"Of course they did!" Mikayla argued. Stefan shot her a curious glance. She sure was quick to condemn the witches when she knew nothing about what had been happening here prior to a few days ago.

"We will do anything to prove it— please." Sophie begged.

"If it wasn't you lot, then who would you guess it would be hmm?" He questioned. "No one else in the quarter knew of my wife's pregnancy."

"I don't know but we will work to help you find out! Wouldn't you rather find out who really tried to hurt your family rather than blame it on us and find out later you were wrong? But maybe this time when it's to late?"

Those words hit Klaus like a ton of bricks. He couldn't risk it— he couldn't make a mistake because it could mean costing him the only thing that matters to him, the only thing that keeps him sane, the only thing that's ever made him feel like there's hope. He let out a deep sigh, pacing back and forth for a moment before stopping in front of the witches with a warning glare.

"You have 48 hours to produce me with evidence it could be someone else or prove it wasn't you." He warned. "If you don't... I'll kill you all."

The group began to walk away, leaving the witches behind to scramble to prove there innocence.

"48 hours Sophie!" He shouted back at her.

When they were walking to the car, Mikayla sped up trying to get beside Klaus.

"Don't worry Klaus, we will figure this out." She smiled, placing her hand on Klaus's. Stefan watched the exchanged with careful eyes, something was off about her he could feel it in his gut. If she was so in love with Elijah, why did she look at Klaus that way? Why was she always trying to be near him?


Adeline was in her room, she was going to try to take a nap and wait for Klaus to come home. The rest of her friends were doing the same— I guess everyone was tired from yesterday.

She tossed and turned for awhile before realizing it was useless, she wasn't going to be able to nap. She got out of the bed and went to head downstairs to see if anyone was up but she never made it. Someone grabbed her, covering her mouth with there and and began dragging her. They leaped out the window with her not making a sound. She didn't have a chance to scream or fight. She tried but they were strong, vampire strong. She felt a syringe shoot into her neck and burned like fire— it was vervain. She was knocked out within seconds.

Elijah thought the heard something but he wasn't sure so he decided to come upstairs and check on Adeline. When knocked on the bedroom door, she didn't answer so he knocked again and waited, still no answer. He turned the knob and walked in the door, the room was empty. There was a used syringe dropped on the floor and the window was open.

Klaus had just got home and he was walking to the room to see Adeline. He came in the room behind his brother and looked around.

"What's going on?" He questioned.

"She's gone..." Elijah muttered. "Adeline.. she's gone."

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