c h a p t e r. 35 pt 2

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But Castor? He was bright and beautiful enough for the both of them.

"How much you wanna bet that that--" His twin interrupts his thoughts, pointing to the last box. "--is something strawberry too?"

"Hmm, it's from Ahmik?" Checking the label, his celestial shakes his head. "Then it won't be."

Not knowing why he's so certain, Jazz just watches as he opens it, peering in to see a box of bandaids with bears on them and a note that states: please don't have to use these. Next to them is a grey necktie with black bear faces in a pattern over it.

"Oh," Castor says, nodding to himself. His greens are content, and he smiles knowing he likes the presents he got so far. "Sweet."

Raising an eyebrow, Jazz wraps an arm around him and asks, "Why do you have to wear a tie?"

"Football thing." He shrugs. "It's stupid."

"Do I get to come?" This is asked without hesitation because, well, if Castor's there then why wouldn't he want to be?

"If you want, it's just a boring ceremony and shit." Boring? Means he won't have to pay attention and can just look at his handsome boyfriend in a suit the whole time. "My family is supposed to come but-- mother ducklings-- they'll all be busy except for Donny, Sawyer, Nemy and a family friend. Fly's already making bets with the team on who will win what."

Eris goes next, having been sitting on the other side of Castor and already having her presents in front of her. Jazz presses on, not fully understanding what his star was talking about. "What do you mean, win?"

"Like, awards, metals. Some certificates, like 'most laps run' or 'most points scored' and some joke ones like 'most benched' for the annoying guys." Castor explains, fingers fiddling with the musician's collar as he speaks. "My siblings usually--" He growled. "--go on stage for me, or Fly collects them for me."

Fly? Why would Fly collect them when they're meant for Castor?

Jazz tilts his head, mint eyes blinking up at him, "Why don't you get it yourself?"

His god shrugs again, "I don't care."

"You're not proud of yourself?" Jazz frowns, hand squeezing his boyfriend's side as he protests. "But you work so hard."

"It's just another year, they don't mean anything. All of them just end up in a box somewhere anyway."

That's... that just seems so sad.

At this ceremony, when Castor wins something-- because he's certain that the god will, with his insane amount of talent-- he's going to proudly put them somewhere in their apartment where everyone who visits can see them.

Huffing, he doesn't argue and just turns his head to watch his family open all their gifts, smiling at their happiness. It seems too soon that it's his turn, but when it is, his papa rushes to stand.

"Oh fuck, hold on," Bar says "Give me a minute, I have to carry it in. Shit's huge. Wouldn't fit under the tree."

Um... okay? One of the gifts are big?

It can't be his, the biggest thing he suggested as a present this year was a large dinosaur book from the Cretaceous period.

Confused, he looks towards his goddess mother, "It's your gift?" But no, apparently it's not because she just points to him. It's his gift? "What is it?"

"You're literally about to open it." Eris laughs out while Dela boos him for wanting to spoil the surprise.

"Jokes on you, fucko," Nyx snickers. "We all already know what it is. I myself, was pleasantly surprised."

Jazz Red's AnomalyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin