Winter Shogunanigans

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A few days after you beat the Pantheon, your team had decided to go on another quest, as your funds had started to go back on the decline.

Who knew ordering fried frog everyday would cost so many Eris?

Well, to start today's story off, everyone was lazing around the guild hall, since you planned on going on a quest, yet hadn't found a good quest to go on.

Kazuma was at the board, finding an easy quest while you and Megumin had tried to shovel the last of the meal into your mouths. Aqua was informing Kazuma about a quest she found, and Kazuma looked to be considering the quest quite a bit. So taking the last bite of your Axel Fried Toad, you tapped Megumin's shoulder to gain her attention and started walking to the rest of your party.

"I see that you have gained a quest?" You asked your friend.

"Ice Sprites. They are 100,000 thousand Eris each and look quite week." Kazuma explained the target.

"There is no way that this isn't a trap that we are walking straight into. Why not go figure out what the destroyer is and scout it out? Says here doing that is about 200,000 Eris." You tried to inform your friend of what was an obvious red flag... You rolled a 1 on persuasion though.

"The destroyer is something we are clueless about, and besides, the chances of the Destroyer coming for Axel are slim to none." Kazuma made a fairly good point, but...

"Verdia, the General of the Demon King's army that would have destroyed the entire town if we weren't here?"

"Verdia, the same General that wouldn't have Attacked if you and Megumin didn't attacked his castle?" Kazuma deadpanned at you.

"Fair point, where are the fairies?"

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Y/n trying his hands at a few new spells.


So these adorable little things are the targets?" You looked at a small Sprite that looked like a sentient snowball.

Kazuma then pushed a sword through the snowball right in front of you, and it went poof.

You coughed a little at the sudden death of the Sprite. You turned to look at Kazuma after his brutal attack.


"Execute Order 66."

"But it was just a youngling!" Aqua, Darkness, and Megumin stared at you and Kazuma's weird display.

"There is no mercy."

After a few seconds of silence you and Kazuma break into laughter.

"Oh man, I wish I could watch those again."

"Yeah, they were great. Lets get started on this quest."

Kazuma and Darkness went to go kill Ice Sprites while Aqua tried to catch the Ice Sprites for some plan she had. Megumin stood back and started chanting Explosion, and you tried petting the Ice Sprites. Sure you could summon giant death spells to kill them, such as a new laser, a few bullet hell like attacks, weaponized void tentacles, and summoning large floaty swords, but the small sprites were so cute.

"Aww, c'mere lil guy." You pet the ice sprites that surrounded you, while they floated around or sat on you as you layed in the snow. You soon stopped paying attention to your surroundings and eventually.


"AHHH! God, there is something in my eyes!" You started to shake your head to get the Snow or Sprite out of your head. You could feel it sloshing around in their and it felt weird.

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