Ascend with Gorb

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When you awoke, you found a dish beside you, and you had a rag on your head. You picked it up, asking yourself why it was their, in your thoughts.

You pulled yourself out of your bed, and stood up, popped your bones, which ached as if you had been in a really uncomfortable sleeping position for a while. When you finished popping your back you opened your eyes, looking down on everything in the room.

Your eyes quickly shot to the mirror, and you saw your new self, apparently you did undergo metamorphosis.

Your Shell's horns were much longer than before . You quickly tried to use your vocal chords, even if it might be a stretch.

"Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do! Ahh, hell yeah, the Author isn't an ass!"


Your voice may be a bit lower than you remember, but then again you can't complain.

Running out of your room to tell everyone the good news, you tip-toed down the stairs and saw everyone in the front room, listening to Megumin describe what had been happening to her the past few days

"... Chomsuke's eyes were suddenly orange and it offered to power up my Explosions, so I obviously took the offer!"

Kazuma interrupted her story telling, "Your demonic cat offered you power for something, and you took it without even asking what it wanted?"

Megumin's eyes were downcast, "Yeah... Anyway, after I made the deal, I couldn't move my body on my own, I was watching it talk to you all. I was stuck inside my own head."

Everybody looked mildly concerned about Megumin's well-being, while Darkness was very low-key imagining herself in Megumin's place.

"But then, I was randomly transported into a weird orange place with Y/n and a giant winged bug thing!" Megumin yelled excitedly.

"Oh, so Y/n was cleaning a mess you made?" Kazuma sighed cheekily.

"Yeah..." Megumin's head went down, as she thought about you currently in a coma, as you had been for three days.

Everybody sat in silence, as you crept into the room behind every one else, waiting for Megumin to notice you. As she was sitting across from you.

When she finally lifted her gaze, she stared up at you wide eyed.

You put a finger up to where your mouth would be on the mask, as you tried to think of the first thing you could say to your teammates.

Megumin was still staring at you, which didn't go unnoticed by Aqua, "Megumin, what are you staring at?" Aqua turned around and was met with the sight of your eyes.


Kazuma and Darkness spun around on there heel and saw you standing behind them.

"I was going to think of something stupid to joke about but I guess Aqua ruined that, ey guys?" You shrugged your shoulders and put your palms in the air.

"Y/n, what the hell happened to you?" Kazuma was the first to respond to this.

"Killed the Radiance which was possessing Megumin, completed the Pantheon of Hallow nest, became the Shade Lord, which is pretty much a god in and of itself. Not much really." (Aqua screeching "WHAT!" in the background)

Kazuma put his head in his hands, "Fine, fine. What about your Adventurer Card, have you checked it out yet? Surely you have a few upgrades."

"I didn't think of that yet, one second."

As you look at your card, you gasp.

"So according to this, everything is a lot higher than it was before."

"I could figure that out on my own! Tell us what your new stats are!"

"Everything is like, five times the size of what it was before, I guess?"

Every one stares blankly at you, before Kazuma walked away, eventually followed by Aqua and Darkness. Megumin stayed behind, and grabbed your attention.

"Y/n, I want to thank you for freeing me. The whole time I wa-" You interrupted Megumin as she started to recount what happened.

"I heard earlier, you don't have to thank me either. The creature I killed was what I was designed to kill anyway." You tried to stop her from reliving the experience, by bringing something to the front of her mind.

"What do you mean 'designed'?" Megumin took the bait hook, line, and sinker.

You then explained more Hollow Knight lore to Megumin hopefully cheering her up, but she looked sad at the appropriate times.

She even gave you a side hug, when you recounted all of the vessels being dropped in the Abyss. It warmed your heart that she would care for you even with you not being exactly human.

"Thanks for listening to that Megumin, now if you excuse me, I am quite hungry."

You stood from the couch you had sat on, and walked towards the kitchen for some food, hopefully no one replaced your orange juice with infection.

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