Speedily I look over the menu trying to find something to order as Darius called over a waiter. Sweat formed on my face as my eyes scanned the menu but I couldn't understand what each meal was.

"Miss Talin, please tell the waiter what you would like to order. He has been waiting for quite some time now." I flushed as I placed the menu down feeling dread consume me knowing the humiliation to come.

I looked at the waiter and saw that he was a young man most likely in his early twenties. He seemed nervous and I could tell why by the way he kept sneaking scared glances as Darius, however Darius paid no attention to the waiter's behavior and ignored it as if it were usual.

"I...well actually...you see I would like to order...umm...well I don't...order...maybe the..." Before I could embarrass myself any further a sharp voice cut me off.

"She will have the same as I had order. That is all. You can go." With a flick of the wrist, the waiter grabbed the menus and did as told. Darius leaned back in his chair staring at me with a perked brow.

"You were not ready to order. Why did you lie?" Darius said making me shift my attention to him.

"I am sorry. I just didn't know any of the items on the menu and—I'm sorry." I whispered looking down on my lap as I twiddled with my fingers not knowing what to say.

This diner was starting to be a disaster from the start.

I wonder what Darius must be thinking. He must be laughing at my little mind. Not to mention he must be regretting ever even bringing me.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked leaning forward.

"I didn't want to seem stupid." I cringed knowing how I already proved I was just that.

"Stupid. Interesting." I gaped as his words. Darius leaned back in his chair and looked at me with his domineering eyes.

"I wouldn't have thought that at all Miss Talin."

"Wait, really." I was taken a back.

"I would say you are more uneducated."

"Excuse me." And here I thought he finally wasn't judging me.

"Yes, stupid is not much of a well expressive word. It seems more childish if you may." I felt my jaw drop as my hands tightened in a fist. I wondered in my mind if he was trying to get on my final nerves because he was about to accomplish that. A woman can only handle a certain amount of insults and humiliation.

What is the matter with this man?

It's not like I ever wanted to even go on this dinner. For peeps sakes, he practically forced me. Did he forget this fact or what?

And for crying out loud, is he some type of robot or something because I swear the words that pass through his lips are not normal.

I decided not to reply as I was sure I would not be able to contain myself if I opened my mouth.

Thankfully the food came quite fast and soon I began to dig into the delicious looking meat that was placed in front of us. Neither of us said a word as we silently ate. The only noise that could be heard was the whispers of the other people in the restaurant and the clanking of the spoons.

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