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"Thank you so much." Anna says to Rick and Cindy.

"You sure you don't want to stay the night in the spare bedroom?" Rick asked.

"No. I'll be fine Rick." She told him.

He waited a beat before nodding.

"Nice meeting you." She said to Macie before walking out.

She walked out and closed the door. She was half way down the drive way when she heard the door open and close.

She turned and saw Elijah.

"You forgetting something?" He asked.

She was confused for a moment before looking down.

"Oh.. I forgot. Let me just put my stuff in my car and-,"

"I'm joking Anna." He said walk over to her.


"I had a good time tonight." He told her honestly.

"Oh yeah me too. I love ruining my clothes." She said sarcastically.

"You know what I mean." He said lowly.

"Yeah.. I guess I did get the stain out mostly." She said jokingly.

"Wow you are.."

"Difficult, complicated, a mess?" She tried finishing for him.

"Definitely a mess." He agreed and they both laughed.

"It's late I have to get home to Bailey." She said.

"Bailey?" He asks.

"My cat.." she blushed.

"Oh. I'd like to meet him sometime." He said.

"Her." She corrects.

"Oh I am so sorry." He said taking a step closer.

She looked up at him and he reached forward moving a piece of hair out of her face and behind her ear.

He's going to kiss me. She thought. I've seen all the movies that's is exactly what they do before they kiss you.

He leaned down and kissed her cheek. Not exactly what she expected but she enjoyed it nonetheless.

"Goodnight Anna." He whisper.

"Goodnight Elijah." She replied before he took a step back and she went to her car.

She got in and took a deep breath. She looked back and saw him in the same in the door way before he turned back around and went inside.

The Monster in MeWhere stories live. Discover now