🌩Wings🌩 [Karlnapity]

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⚠️ Tw: Insecurities throughout the whole thing, a little bit of mental abuse in certain (italic) paragraphs. Abuse marks. ⚠️

Yawning, Alex stretched out in his chair; his muscles tense. His arms stayed above his head as he sighed, staring at his boring, bright screen.

His whole room was dark, the only light being the one from his screen. He didn't know how late it was, or how long he had been in there, but he knew he needed to get up before he was stuck there.

His wings felt scrunched against his back as he winced, he hadn't let them out and free in so long, it was starting to become exhausting. He also knew his boyfriends missed his wings as well, they used to run their fingers through them and play with them to relax.

But he had always been protective of his wings. After someone tried to cut them off, he never let them out in public again. Only Karl and Nick knew they existed to this day.

Taking a lazy step forward, Alex yawns and pulls his loose sock up, hugging his sweater closer as he dragged his feet against the soft carpeting floor. It didn't feel good of course, but he was too tired and tense to care, his eyes red from the same light that caused him an every pounding headache.

He might need some medicine for that, it was starting to bother him.

He heard the soft giggling of his softy-boyfriend, Karl Jacobs. It was coming from their bedroom next door, and Alex was so drawn to just open it, to run in there and hug them.

But they didn't need him right now. Karl and Nick seemed to be doing fine on their own, without him. Or at least, that's how they've been acting.

Alex was used to neglected though, it didn't bother him. Schlatt used to ignore him for days on end unless he wanted something, so he was used to taking care of himself and his needs.

He didn't want to be needy anyway, his boyfriends had a perfect relationship before he popped into it, he didn't want to be annoying and ruin that.

So instead of going in, collapsing into his lover's arms, and having them care for him, he dragged himself past the bedroom, the giggling ever so making his headache worse. He pushed away from the urge to bother his lovers, the urge to ruin what they were doing.

He so desperately needed them right now.

He almost slipped on the freshly mopped wooden floors, being surprised by the amount Karl had cleaned earlier. His feet were hidden from the cool floors with his fluffy socks, but that didn't mean he wasn't shivering from the cold house.

The stove to the right was open and turned off on this cold night, neither of them bothered to start it since they were already wrapped in the other's embrace of love, and had already planned to stay under the blankets all night long.

Or at least he thought it was night, the rooms downstairs seemed to be glowing in moonlight draped through the blinds, streaks covering the floors as a soft chill shivers its way up to his spine.

He clung to the black hoodie he was wrapped in, one of Nick's old ones. Alex hoped Nick didn't notice it was missing, he didn't want to be seen as a menace, stealing all his clothes that were saved for Karl, since Karl deserved it.

The hoodie weighed him down with every step, and he felt worse and worse about taking it from Nick. He felt like a thief, a dirty liar, a stupid waste of space that didn't deserve to be living in this house.

"You fucking idiot! You can't just take things that aren't yours!" His aggressive voice boomed through Alex's head as he dropped the small bag of chips, backing away, tears dripping from the puddles in his eyes.

One-shots ~ Mostly Karlnapity, but Requests can be all. Where stories live. Discover now