Nico's eyes brighten as he looks at Percy's back. "Perfect chance indeed."

(3 months later)


Percy felt weird, ever since the deal with Harry three months ago, Nico and Jason had been different. They refused to go to bed unless Percy gave them a kiss, which isn't anything new, except now they wouldn't accept anything but a kiss on the lips. Percy gave in, figuring the two are just going through a phase.

The two were always clinging to Percy, finding chances to hug him at every turn. That hasn't changed, except the hugging seems more possessive, as if the two are telling anyone who sees them hugging that Percy is theirs. Percy accepts that, in his mind he's been theirs since the end of the third war, but that doesn't mean that he isn't confused by the possessiveness.

He had figured to just let them do what they want, and if they're not over whatever phase they're currently in by the end of the three-month deal, then he's going to have to talk to them about this unruly behavior.

Three months went by quickly, yet ever so slowly. Nightmares every night, most of the time he dreamed of Annabeth standing in front of him, her favorite dagger buried in his chest. Her cold grey eyes looking at him like he's nothing but trash, all of the past warmth was gone, leaving nothing but pure hatred. Percy hated that nightmare with a passion, but lately it's been what's been occupying his mind.

Hecate and Ares class was boring. The only fun thing is the couple times Percy instigated Ares into dueling him and ended up utterly losing. Defeating the God of War in combat is much more fun then beating the wizards and witches. Percy had been horrified when he saw just how bad the wizards and witches are when it comes to fighting with any weapon that isn't a wand.

From swords to archery, wizards and witches are utter failures. Percy found it funny to see how much Harry, Ron and Hermione wanted to kill him every time he pointed out the flaws during Hecate's class. The three had surprisingly been able to keep the deal, so Jason would have to fulfill his side of the promise.

Bill and Charlie becoming Hagrid's helpers is one of the few good things. Percy rather liked Bill and Charlie, they were fun. He hadn't forgotten to continue helping them with finding five demigod children of Hecate, well, maybe he forgot, but he'll get it done before he leaves Hogwarts.

Asteria's tutoring when it comes to divining had allowed Percy to progress rapidly. Asteria said after a couple more lessons she'd have nothing more to teach Percy. Jason needs maybe another three months, Nico, well...not everyone's good at divining.

Classes were awfully boring, the three switched between houses, currently part of Slytherin, and were earning points rapidly. If they were in just one class, well, that class would be in the lead by a good couple hundred points. Not that they're keeping track of how many they points they earn or anything.

Percy figured he'd laid awake long enough in bed with the two hugging him. Percy kicks Jason whose arms are wrapped around his torso right off the bed. Another weird point, the two never sleep without Percy now. Before they'd usually sleep with Percy, but not every single day.

"Ow, Perce" Jason slurs, tiredly sitting up and looking at Percy in irritation.

Kunai was also acting strange lately, always telling Percy to spend more time with Jason and Nico. Percy had caught Kunai grumbling about some bet he lost multiple times, and Percy figured that it had something to do with Kunai always trying to determine if he's ready for a lover or not. Kunai might be trying to hide that by asking obscure questions, but after a while he had determined that Kunai is really trying to figure out if Percy is emotionally ready for a lover.

Percy frowns at the thought. 'Why would I want a lover?' All he needs is Nico and Jason, who wants to go trying to find a lover?

Nico seeming to sense his doom hugs Percy's arm tighter. Percy mercilessly kicks him off the bed, ignoring Nico's protests. "Ow" Nico whines, dark eyes looking up at Percy, looking like a kicked puppy. 'I did kick him, but he's not a puppy, no mercy.' Percy ignores the puppy eyes, rolling over and gesturing for Kunai to come over.

Kunai happily runs over, hopping up onto the bed where Percy hugs him. Percy snuggles with Kunai, not aware of two pairs of eyes glaring at Kunai with rage and jealousy. Kunai makes a show of licking Percy's neck, arrogantly staring at the two. Who cares if these two are stronger then him, he's Percy's. Hurting him will make Percy sad, those two wouldn't dare, so he can get revenge on these two through making use of their love.

Nico and Jason are so jealous, their eyes have a murderous glint as they look at Kunai. Kunai's fur fluffs up slightly sensing the hostility, but his actions grow more unbridled. Licking Percy's chin, his tongue moves up towards Percy's lips. 'Kunai is also weird, everyone's weird.' Percy thinks, recalling how Kunai has become more and more cuddly and unbridled in the past three months.

Kunai is suddenly taken out of Percy's grasp, Percy growling as he looks up. 'I want to hug Kunai!!!' Percy yells in his head, jumping at Jason and tackling him to the ground. Kunai gets free of Jason's grasp, nine tails happily wagging when it sees Percy fighting with Jason. Kunai liked this much better. Percy should only want to snuggle with him.

Sitting atop Jason, Percy punches Jason in the stomach, making him gasp for air. "Hug stealer!" Percy yells, delivering another punch, lighter, but still hard enough to make Jason struggle to breathe. Nico throws himself hard at Percy, Percy landing on the floor, air leaving his lungs. Nico's lips land on Percy's lips, biting roughly.

Percy's fist slugs Nico in the side. Nico topples off of Percy, and Percy pushes himself up into a sitting position when Jason flops on top of him. Jason's lips move towards Percy's, but before they can touch Percy knees Jason in the chest. Jason grunts, forcing Percy's leg down as Nico joins Jason in holding Percy down.

"Love, if you wanted hugs, all you had to do is say something." Jason whispers into Percy's ear. Percy doesn't react much to the words, simply trying to struggle out from under the two. Jason bites Percy's ear slightly, Percy letting out a hiss in anger. These two were always ganging up on him since three months ago.

These two were always trying to force him into similar situations, and Percy was getting sick of it. He could no longer understand the two, they acted like emotionally insecure three-year-old's needing hugs and kisses and words of love since three months ago. Yet, these two were way older then three-year-old's, when did their mental age start regressing?

Percy decides that it's about time he addresses their behavior lately. "You two a-" Percy didn't get to finish his words, Nico's lips covering his own. Percy's eyes that had been blank became as dark as the abyss. Nico and Jason are thrown off of him by an invisible force, and Percy growls at the two.

Nico and Jason instantly lose the playful looks, staring alertly at Percy. "Explanation." Percy spits out, eyes taking in every motion of the two. If he didn't get to the bottom of this and cure the two of this newfound foolishness, he'd...well he didn't know what, but he'd do something.

"Is this about taking Kunai?" Nico asks, "Because that was Jason, not me"

Percy Jackson, Grandson of VoldemortWhere stories live. Discover now