Rage & Aggression

Start from the beginning

"1543 stop it!" Mel urged. 1543 only smiled an insane smile.

"No." He simply said and then it started.


Terry was just coming from a short break in the nurses's station when she came to the main room on floor two. She immediately noticed Mel and 1543; they were in the back of the room, yet 1543 wasn't looking at Mel, he wasn't even looking out the window as he frequently does, but rather he was looking towards her, but not at her.

She saw Mel turn around in his chair. His eyes went wide then he turned swiftly back around to 1543. Terry took one step towards them, confused by what was happening, but then Devin - the security guard for floor two - swung his baton at her. The baton whizzed by her face, missing by a few inches. Terry fell down on to the floor, looking up into eyes that were on Devin's face but did not belong to him, for Devin had remarkable green eyes, but the ones that were on Devin's face were an icy blue, the same as 1543.

Devin then turned and struck one of the patients who had was walking around - a Mr. Thomas Farridy, who was diagnosed with a severe case of acute stress disorder and, more recently, with Alzheimer's - straight in the face with the baton. Blood sprayed out of Thomas's nose like water out of a pressured pipe. Thomas stumbled backwards, but didn't topple over, which was rather remarkable for a man of nearly seventy.

Upon seeing the blood, Devin laughed, an insane, vile laugh. He swung again and this time hit Thomas on the side of the knee. Terry heard the crack of the bones in Thomas's knee. A moment later Thomas was on the floor, screaming in pain, and using colorful language to describe what he thought of Devin.

At this time, Mel raced forward towards Devin only to get the butt end of the baton slammed into his stomach. A blow that actually sent him sliding across the floor for several feet. Terry managed to get up to her feet but Devin struck her on the top of the head with the baton. She was unconscious before she sunk to the floor.

Several other guards came running from the corridor on either side of the room, but Devin seemed to have been prepared for it and struck almost all of them into unconsciousness. Several of them he seriously injured with his baton, and as a result the floor was slick with splotches of dark red blood.

Mel, slowly recovered from the blow that he had received, but by the time he was able to stand Devin had injured five guards, leaving one standing that was a present struggling with Devin, and injured several patients.

As Devin and the other guard were struggling Mel came up behind them with struck Devin on the back of the head with one of the batons as hard as he could. There was some blood that flowed from the wound and Devin sank to his knees, still conscious but foggy. The other guard slammed Devin onto the ground, knocking him unconscious and it was over.

Mel sank slowly into a chair, his heart was thumping in his chest like a jackhammer, and he had blood stains on his white coat. Not his blood, but the blood that was on the floor, from patients and guards alike. He took off the coat and tossed it onto one of the tables nearby.

After a few minutes, Mel was calmed down enough and began to treat some of the injured patients as best as he could. He was giving instructions to one of the nurses on how to splint Mr. Farridy's broken knee, when he felt a cold stare fall on him. He looked around to see 1543 staring at him from across the room, a smile was on his face that was scarily similar to the one Devin had been wearing the entire time of his...outburst of violence. Mel returned 1543's stare, with a stare of his own. 1543 had not moved during the entire incident and in fact, to Mel, he looked entertained and slightly amused.

The staring contest continued for a few moments but then Mel broke the stare and continued to treat the various wounds of the patients and guards.


Patient 1543 (1543 Series Story 1)Where stories live. Discover now