Chapter 25: Pendragon's Wrath

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"Wild hunt."

I nodded, giving Malorn a wolfish smile.

"They won't be a problem for long." I turned serious. "Did you see the sword?"

He nodded. I sighed. Brain trying to connect the dots. How did The Lady even get it back here with these guards always stationed here? Malorn either accidently reading my thoughts again, or just understanding what I was thinking through his sheer Emily knowledge spoke.

"As its guardian, the lady can return the sword magically."

"What about the wild hunt?"

He shrugged.

"What about them? It's not like they can pull it out."

"Fair point."

I looked towards the door, realizing the magnitude of what I was about to attempt, as James gave me a questioning expression.

"Love, are you sure you can pull it out?"

My brain flitted to Artorius' face for a moment. I could feel myself drifting off into my thoughts, and forced myself to snap out of it with a sigh.

"I'm sure."

Edward spoke up confidently.

"If anyone can pull this off, it's Angel."

He winked at me when I smiled at him. Malorn nodded in agreement.

"Yes she can."

I felt an over-pour of affection for both of them in that moment. I have the best friends in the world. My emotion was short lived as we heard commotion coming from the other side of the wall, choruses of yells and swords clanging together ringing into my ears.

"That's our cue."

I looked at the others, as I moved towards the door. They nodded, as I opened it, and surely enough the wild hunt goons had dissipated from in front of the sword – no doubt fighting off our army – save for 6 knights, standing in a guarding circle around the sword and the stone.

Edward turned to Malorn.

"Do you want the ridiculously large one, or the slightly less burly large one?"

"The right one."

Edward winced.

"I was afraid you might say that."

They charged at the two men with their swords and magic. James, Xena and Penny took the other three, and I blasted the remaining one with a surge of magic, sending him sailing as I ran towards the sword. I was just about to pull it out when a slashing flaming axe fell towards my hand, nearly slicing it off. I pulled away at the last second eyes widening as the axe slashed down again, this time towards my head. I blasted a surge of magic towards the scaringly large being and watched as it jumped off him, as if bouncing off a wall.

Shit, that did nothing but piss him off. I backed away watching as his dark brown eyes turned even darker which I hadn't thought was possible, as he drew into something deep inside him, causing his eyes to turn black, irises and all. The air around him was dark as fronds of shadows encircled him. He marched menacingly towards me. Fuck! What do I do?

I ran, trying to buy myself some time as the behemoth chased after me, thankfully he wasn't as fast as he was strong. Good. I shot out a stronger surge of death magic towards the creature, which again did nothing.

Direct magic does nothing against this creature! Think...think...

And that's when I saw it...embedded in the middle of the stone block, glimmering. Alright, time for a game of chicken.

The Thought of Life Confounds Me: A Wizard101 Novel, book 2 Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora