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Hiccups Pov-
We flew through the harsh storm the best we could. The wind was holowing past us and the rain was cold against my skin. We had only been flying for 20 min when the storm came. The worst part is we flew over 5 hours to get to this island.

"Hiccup there is now way we can fly back to the edge in this weather" Astrid yells so we can all hear.

"Ya Hiccup I cant even see Meatlugs head infront of me" Yells Fishlegs and not a moment after lightning struck right next to me making Toothles jolt to the side.

"Alright look for an island....Snoutlot..." I start and he flams up Hookfang. In his light we see an outline of a somewhat large island.

"Down here, ok gang lets land and find a cave to stay in" I say and the wind picks up and more lightning strikes. We all land and began to look for a cave and I found a very large one.

"Over here" I yell and run into the cave with everyone behind me. We all took a moment to breath and look around. We see claw marks all over the caves walls and some blood on the ground. Everyone gasped at the sight of the large and small polls of extreamly dry blood.

"I think something bad happened here" Astrid says as she holds her axe with a strong grip. I continue to walk until I hear something crack from under my real leg. A arrow. Not just any arrow but a dragon hunter arrow with the fist ingraved on the head. I pick it up to show the others and Fishlegs gasps.

"Hiccup do you think that there are dragon hunters on this island?" He queshtions. I look at a small pool of blood.

"Its possible...once the rain clears we will search the island and make sure no dragons are being held" I say as everyone starts to walk back to the front of the cave. We all get confrotable and we were all ablout to setal in when we all hear a branch snap. We didnt think much of it as it was still harsh outside and it must have been the wind.

Y/ns Pov
The rain was pouring outside and me and Nimbus were sitting in are cave. It was a very nice cave with a stream with fish that comes from the lake above. I was feeding a Deadlynatter when I see the outline of multipil dragons. One was on fire so I could only presume it was a Monsterous Nightmare. I turn to Nimbus who was eating. I decided that I would check it out my self. I grab my bow and quiver along with my dagers. I pull on my outfit(The flying one with the arrmor) and headed out of the cave. I walk through the forests of my home when I come across one of my old caves for healing. I didnt like that cave because it held to many memories of the ones I could not save so I left everything in there. Only some arrows I pulled out of the dragons and my self and the bloodly rags I used to heal.

I watch the dragons and notice they had saddles on them. I feel angry that Viggo would do something like force a dragon to transport him but I see more. But the one that caught my eyes was the Nightfury. It must only be around 17 due to the size of the scales, maybe female....? My thoughts are ruined when I see the riders. They look worried but that means nothing. I pull back my arrow and aming it at the rider with light brown hair and no foot. I was about to releas when a branch snapped above me. I quickly doged out of the way to avoid being crushed. I look back at the cave and see the Nightfury growl but the rider scraches the dragons chin making him avoid my gaze. I decide that these people will leave with out causing a problem so I decide to leave.

I return home to see Nimbus sleeping with a small Deadly Nadder. A metal clamp arounds its leg which is causing the blood flow to slowly stop. I decided that I would remove it once I have what I needed. I get into my bed and close my eyes hoping that tommrow willl be full of work.

Unknowing that tommrow will have more than just work....

YAY! Chapter 1 is here!! Hope you enjoy and if you want a certain something to happen just let me know I am always up for sugestions~ Meli

 The Black Rider (HiccupxReader) ( Hiatus/ Discontinued )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora