Chapter 7

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By the way,my story is also on under the name of RavenclawofRavenclan!
The next day,both girls woke up bright and early as they were both very quickly got ready and rushed down to B saw them,face flushed from running down and looking excited,she chuckled."They're very eager."she breakfast,Madam B told the other girls to practice fighting with double ,she took them to a training room and taught them the fighting she was certain they could do it without any problem,she started teaching them how to punch without hurting demonstrated once and then asked them to imitate looked over their punches and corrected their was very also taught them how to kick without hurting themselves or using too much energy.
Lily Potter woke up to the frightened gasp of her husband,James."What happened?"She asked."I...I was drunk last night and I chased our daughter out of the house.I don't hate her,it's just that I'm ashamed of myself for producing a squib."Hearing this,Lily was angry and told him"She's not a squib.I saw it with my own eyes.I saw her levitate her violin bow back to her hand when she dropped let's go find our daughter!"In Potter Manor,they searched high and Low but thay still could not see even asked Mimsy,who was Azalea's personal elf to help them,but still couldn't find didn't know where she were they going to find her?Suddenly,Lily thought of an idea and excitedly told it to James"..."

What do you think her idea is?Find out in the next chapter!
By the wat,also check out my new story-Art Book

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