Chapter 7: Pictures & Being Pursued

Start from the beginning

“Where do you think? Come on, Harry. We’re gonna tell Liam to leave you alone. Don’t chicken out now.”

“Lou, you can’t just do that!” Stumbling over to them at the front door, Harry slams the door shut and stays in front of it to keep them from going through with this plan. “Have you all lost your mind?! You can’t just go over there and tell him to stop. What makes you think he’ll listen to you?”

“What makes you think he won’t?” Louis retorts, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Because he could actually be dangerous and attack you if you try to stop him. He might not be mentally stable, Lou!”

“I still think it’s worth a shot.”

“Louis – “

“Might be fun to watch Liam lose it; if he does. I’m in!” Niall chimes in, nudging Harry away from the door so they can leave. “Let’s go, lads! Time for an adventure!”

Zayn chuckles and follows after Niall after giving a pat on Harry’s shoulder. “Can’t be that bad, Harry. It’ll be three against one, anyway. I’m pretty sure we can take him. Louis and Niall are maniacs that’ll probably just jump on him if he tries to ‘attack’ us from keeping him from you.”

“That’s more like it, Zaynie! See, Harry? We’re gonna be fine. If you really don’t wanna come with us, then just stay here. Probably better to keep you from him anyway,” Louis says as he walks out and leads the way next door.

“Guys, I really don’t think you have a chance against him! I swear he works out way more than any of you will ever do in your life!” Harry calls out after them.

“That’s a challenge we’re willing to accept! Ain’t that right, lads?”

“Louis, please don’t – S***,” the green-eyed lad cuts himself off when he realizes that Niall just rang the doorbell of Liam’s house. Harry tries to keep out of sight and linger on his own front porch, hoping to go unnoticed as he presses his back against the wall.

It takes about a minute before Liam opened the door after Niall has rung the doorbell about 10 times. If that didn’t annoy him enough, he sure doesn’t look pleased to see the three of them. From what Harry can see, Liam scowls at them and makes sure to keep his front door mostly closed so they couldn’t see what he was doing inside. It’s not anything that they need to know about. Not now, anyway, Liam thinks as he eyes the three lads on his front porch.

“What do you want?”

“Well, first of all, I’m sure you can be much nicer than that, Leemo,” Louis sasses. “And secondly, we came here to tell you to stop stalking our young Harold. You see, he’s young and very naïve, and he has yet to know more about the world. That includes knowing to stay away from stalkers like you.”

Liam scoffs and leans against the doorway, crossing his arms over his chest. “Oh, really? Is that why you’re all here?”

“Yeah, so can you just leave him alone?” Niall asks, tapping his foot impatiently.

“I see. Um, let me think about that. Actually, don’t need to. My answer is no,” Liam replies smugly, smirking as they look taken aback by his answer. “Can you go now? I have to finish my task at hand, and you’re all disrupting.”

Just as he widens the door and steps back, Louis growls and takes a step towards him to keep the door from closing in their face. He also notices, to Liam’s misfortune, that there are some pictures – Well, actually, many  pictures hanging on wires that seem to be hung all over Liam’s house. His eyes widen as he catches sight of one particular picture of someone with curly hair… Is that –

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