The Choice

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     "Get back to the ship!" Ray yelled to the rest of the team.

     "We are not leaving without you," Rip said turning to him.

     "You've seen the future, I'm dead already" Ray replied.

     "You're right" Mick grunted getting ready to knock him out when a loud blast stopped him. Sarah and Snart ran into the room followed by a round of gunfire.

     "We have company," Snart shouted shooting his cold gun at the door.

     "That doesn't look good you guys need to go" Ray frowned holding the switch down.

     "And what exactly are you doing?" Snart asked looking over at Ray.

     "Someone needs to be present to destroy the Oculus," Ray responded looking directly at the switch.

     "Oh really," Snart said walking next to him "Sorry Boy Scout but I can't let you do that" he took his gun and hit Ray over the head. "Get him outta here" Rip picked up the tiny man and put him in his pocket.

     "Come on we're leaving now" Rip demanded running towards the ship.

     "Looks like this is goodbye pretty bird" Snart smiled. Sara ran up and pulled him into a kiss.

     "Sorry for this" She smiled sadly at him.

     "For wh-?" before he could finish Sara jerked the cold gun out of his hand and hit him over the head.

     "Mick take him to the ship" Sara ordered Mick holding on to the switch.

     "Blondie" she turned around to look at him "Thanks," he said before throwing Snart over his shoulder and taking him to the Waverider.

     "No, shut it down! Shut it down!" Time Master Druce shouted running into the room.

     "Sorry" Sara smirked "I don't take orders"

Meanwhile on the Waverider
     "She traded her life for ours," Ray said bowing his head "She was a true hero"

     "No," Rip said looking out the window "She was a legend"

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