Meetings and Discoveries

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Trollex's POV

TBDB and I had followed the young Techno trolling and Beat Drop Fish. When we get out of the water; we come face to face with five strange beings. The young Techno trolling is wrapped around the four legged light brown one and is crying into their chest. The sea green Beat Drop Fish is being held by a dark blue/grey one. There is also another four legged one that is purple, a grey one and a silver one that is floating. We stare at eachother for a bit; until the light brown one with the little Techno trolling glares at me.

I freeze at her heated glare as she very sweetly asks with a smile that promises pain "Praytell Sugar; why I shouldn't yeet ya sorry lil tail back into the sea with a nice, good ol' hoof kick?" The other ones also glare at me too while moving closer to us. The silver one that floats takes the sea green Beat Drop Fish from the blue/grey one while the Techno trolling moves to hide on the light brown one's back. The blue/grey one then walks up to stand beside the light brown one; on her right.

All the while casually cracking their knuckles in preparation for a fight. The grey one and the four legged purple one appear on her left; the grey one has their arms crossed. While the four legged purple one is watching my every move like a Shark to its prey. The silver one with the sea green Beat Drop Fish is floating near the Techno trolling. They appear to be calming the young one down along with the Beat Drop Fish in their arms. I gulp slowly as TBDB hides behind me and peeks over my shoulder at them.

Opening up my mouth then closing it when no sound comes out. I try to speak again and actually do succeed, but I stuttered a bit "I-I was o-only wanting t-to know w-why the young t-trolling was all a-alone..." She narrows her eyes at me and that's when TBDB decides to be brave and ask "Who are you all?" I freeze in place with baited breath as I watch the light brown one. She glances to TBDB and then the blue/grey one demands "And why exactly should we tell you that?"

Praying to any all gods that I don't die this day and praying to be able to live. I glance to the light brown one as she states "I am Sunny Akta also known as Sunshine, this is my younger sister Hannah Crow known as Moonshine (She motions to the blue/grey one), Our little brother Mixtro Jamz also known as Mixer (She then motions to the little Techno trolling) with his best friend like twin Raver known as Raves (She motions to the Beat Drop Fish), Luna also known as Glitz (She motions to the four legged purple one), Skibs Bii known as SkiBi (She then motions to the grey one) and finally this is Silver Dawn also known as Silvy (She motions to the silver one that floats)... Who are you Techno troll?"

"I am Prince Trollex of the Techno trolls and this is Techno Beat Drop Button or TBDB for short or as the trollings call him Beat." I answer her question without stuttering as TBDB is still peeking over my shoulder. That's when the silver one; I think Silver Dawn gives Raver to Mixtro Jamz. She then pulls out a strange object and starts to blow into it |<flute>|. The sound was very smooth and soft; flowing much like how water does. Mixtro Jamz and Raver had calmed down to it. They are listening to it intently with the eyes starting to droop down.

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Soon the two of them fell asleep to it and I feel TBDB had fallen alseep on my right shoulder. I watch them; Sunny Akta asks me "Can you forgot that you ever saw us?" Looking at her in confusion; I ask her "Why do you want me to do that?" She sighs then replies to my question "It would be for the best that you never remember us... There are some trolls from other troll tribes that want us. We have been moving constantly and never staying in a place for too long. And it would be to keep your tribe safe Prince Trollex... Or they will wage war against you all..."

She then turns and walks away; into the direction of the forest. The others all follow her, but I quickly ask her "Can you at least tell me what you all are?" Sunny Akta glances back at me and answers "I am a Country troll that likes Dubstep music, Moonshine is a Rock troll that likes Folk music, Mixer is a Techno troll like you that likes Synth-pop music, Raves is a Beat Drop Fish likes the same as Mixer, Glitz is a Funk troll that likes New Wave music, Silvy is a Classical troll that likes Soul music and SkiBi is a Pop troll that likes Electro music." I watch them all disappear deeper into the forest and out of sight. Turning to the Ocean's edge, but I glance back to where they all disappeared from sight and then back to the water. Diving into the water and swimming back to Techno Reef.

As I swim back to Techno Reef; I promise myself this. That I will meet them again one day, but I pray that I can get to know them all better as friends. When i arrived back in Techno Reef; I make my way back to the palace. I try to avoid as many other trolls as I can so I can have more time to search the royal library. When I get back I head straight towards the royal library. However when I open the doors to it; I am greeted with rows upon rows of books, tomes and scrolls. Getting to work I start reading through it all and trying to find answers to my many questions.

$%$%$%$%$ Time Skip $%$%$%$%$

After searching through every single book, tome and scroll. I find absolutely nothing on anything outside of Techno Reef. Getting so frustrated and angry; I thrown the nearest thing I can grab at the wall. I go to swim out of the room when I hear a few soft clicks. Whipping around; I find that the wall has opened up a bit to reveal another room. Yet this one was old; like really old and held many more books, tomes and scrolls that all looked pretty dusty. I quickly swim over to them and start searching through them for answers.

$%$%$%$%$ Time Skip $%$%$%$%$

After reading every book, tome and scroll in the hidden room. I find that I now know a lot about the other five trolls tribes. Looking around again; I notice a very unique pattern etched into the wall. It showed only the Techno trolls and a large creature surrounding a crystal. The crystal had a small symbol etched into it; I place my left hand on it. But I instantly yank it back when I feel pain. Looking down at my hand; I see a small cut that appears to be healing itself.

I hear more soft clicks and look up at the etching. Only to see that it has revealed a small shelf containing six ancient looking books. As I very carefully pick them up; I realise that they are actually Journals. I bring them into the light and read their titles:
•°Journal of Alonzo the First Techno troll King°•
•°Journal of Damian the First Funk troll King°•
•°Journal of Rosanna the First Rock troll Queen°•
•°Journal of Victuoso the First Classical troll Conductor°•
•°Journal of Vira Dawn the First Country troll Mayor°•
•°Journal of Popra the First Pop troll Queen°

My eyes widen in shock and realisation that they are the journals of the very first Six troll tribe leaders. I sit down and start reading them with a lot of enthusiasm. As I read Damian's journal; I find out that he was a super laid back troll; who was more of a mediator between them all. Victuoso he was more the troll with a plan; the one who came up with ideas for stuff. Vira Dawn was more the troll that was really quick to figure things out; so she was like the investigative one. Rosanna was pretty chill for a Rock troll; only showing her anger when it is needed to protect the others.

Alonzo was the one that was always calm in any given situation; he was the one that the other five troll tribe leaders saw as a leader in their friend group. Popra was the very bubbly and happy troll who was the one that brought them all together; she was also their glue and got them all to be friends. After reading through their personal journals. I had learned the truth of the Six Music Strings and how they came to be. Yet I also learned of how Pitch came to rule back then. Popra was the true Pop troll tribe leader, but she was overthrown by her nephew Pitch.

She had decided to disappear; a good number of Pop trolls left with her. Though many other trolls from the other five troll tribes also followed her. They all disappeared from the world; never to be seen or heard from ever again. The other troll tribe leaders wished her the best and that they all hoped to see her again. Even if it was just one last time before their passing. It also mentioned the Musical Spirit gifting her and the trolls following her a fresh new start; wherever they may end up.

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