Leviathan & Crystal

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No One's POV

As the two Techno trolls and two Beat Drop Fishes swim into the cavern that lies hidden inside. A gigantic air pocket greets them and they start to float. They gaze is more focused with wide eyes on all the different coloured and glowing crystals, corals and flora around them. They are so caught up at looking around that they did not notice the two large glowing golden-yellow eyes narrow at them. A large maw filled with rows of razor sharp fangs drawing nearer to them. The large beast let out a large puff of air that alerts them to it's presence.

 The large beast let out a large puff of air that alerts them to it's presence

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Trollex's POV

We all whip around to come face to maw with a massive Leviathan. The pinkish-purple scales on the Leviathan; make it's glowing golden-yellow eyes seem much more intense. I glance at dad, Pixel and TBDB before looking at the Leviathan again. It starts to snarl a bit and I quickly remember something the riddle said. The riddle said to play the song of the night in order to calm the beast. Grabbing the Ocarina and the other Music sheet out. I start playing the soothing melody and the beast stops. It's eyes glaze over in a sheen of cloudy white as it listens to the music.

Glancing toward the Leviathan's body; I see a large glowing Crystal. It is curled around it and once I finish playing the melody; it gently nudged my satchel. I opened my satchel and revealed the other music sheet and six journals. It stared at the other music sheet intently then at me. Pulling it out and placing the other inside my satchel; I quietly ask "Do you want me to play the other song?" To our surprise; it nodded it's head slowly. I am shocked, but shake it off and start to play the same melody that I played to get inside the cave.

As I am playing we start to hear the sound of another Ocarina playing the same melody too. Near the end of the song; the large glowing Crystal starts to glow brightly. Near the very end of the song; it lets out a blinding flash of bright light. We all close our eyes, but when I opened them and looked back to the Crystal. It wasn't there; instead was a pure white mer-troll laying there. I quickly swim over to them and pick them up carefully. My dad, Pixel and TBDB also swim over to us. Dad checks her pulse while I hold her gently.

Ocarina's POV

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Ocarina's POV

Darkness... That's all I have known for a very long time. My eyes flutter open, but as I get used to the light. I find myself staring into a pair of bright green eyes. I'm shocked to see a young Techno troll about my age in holding me gently. He is a bright blue that sort of fades to black near his pink pixelated heart. His green hair held up in a spongy band of purple and dark blue coral rocks. He also has some arm bands, but they are blue, purple, red, orange, yellow and green.

A little bit away from him is two Beat Drop Fish. One is green with blue highlights and the other is red with yellow highlights. There is also another Techno troll nearby; he is cherry red with a bright green glowing pixelated heart on his chest. His purple hair is held up in a spongy band of yellow and red coral rocks like mine. He also has arm bands like the other one, but his are red, orange, green, teal, blue, indigo. I watch them carefully for a bit, but then I notice something. In the blue Techno troll's hand is a white and blue Ocarina.

The same one that I gave to Alonzo long ago

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

The same one that I gave to Alonzo long ago. The young one asked "What is your name?" My Ocarina was still in my hand from when I last played it; I held it up slightly. It started glowing and the other Ocarina did the same thing. "Is your name... Ocarina?" The other Techno troll asked; I nodded my head. The young one then said sadly "So it is true what Alonzo said. That you gave up your colours and voice for us to have music." Glancing at the young one; his ears are tilted down and he has a few tears in his eyes. I take his hand into mine. I place the Ocarina down onto my lap; I then start to trace words onto his upturned palm.

'It is alright. Even if someone gives me the chance to change the past; I wouldn't change a thing. For if I did then I would never have met my dear friends. Six wonderfully different and unique trolls that showed me many new things about the world. They will never have shown me the things that I know now. So please don't shed tears over me and of what happened in the past.' He nods slowly as I reach up with my other hand and dry away his tears. The other troll asks "Why we're you trapped as a Crystal?" Glancing to him and the two Beat Drop Fishes.

Sighing softly; I look back to the other troll then start tracing my answer. 'When the Music Harp was made; it was never meant to be separated apart. However at the time it was a must so... I detached five Strings from it. Those five Strings I gave to five of my friends. Vira Dawn took the orange Country string, Victuoso took the yellow Classical string, Rosanna took the red Rock string, Damian took the purple Funk string and Alonzo took the blue Techno string. I told Vira Dawn to head to Lonesome Flats, Victrous to the mountains, Rosanna to the volcanos, Damian to the desert, Alonzo to the sea and Popra to the Phantasm Ravine.

Even if I could not be there physically with them. I was able to be there in spirit and watch them flourish. Vira Dawn became Mayor of the Country trolls whom built up a town in Lonesome Flats for her tribe. Victuoso became the Conductor of the Classical trolls and helped build a village in the mountains for his tribe. Rosanna became Queen of the Rock trolls and built a city on the volcanos land for her tribe. Damian became King of the Funk trolls and built a spacecraft to travel and live in for his tribe. Alonzo became King of the Techno trolls and Hazer here pointed him in the direction of the Reef. Which he then made into a castle and city for his tribe.

Popra used to be the Queen of the Pop trolls. Before Pitch; her nephew overthrew her and banished her from the tribe. Instead she became Queen of the Mix trolls and set up a massive castle deep within the Phantasm Ravine. Where no troll dares to enter for fear they will never return.' The blue Techno troll spoke every word for the other Techno troll and two Beat Drop Fishes to hear. They were all sad that I was trapped like that for so long. I glanced at the blue and asked him 'What are your names?'

He answered with a smile "I'm Prince Trollex and this is my dad; King Tidal of the Techno trolls. (He nodded towards the red Techno troll) Next to my dad is his friend Pixel (He motions to the red Beat Drop Fish) and next to Pixel is my friend Techno Beat Drop Button or TBDB for short. Though the trollings call him Beat instead. (Motioning to the green Beat Drop Fish.)" I nod with a smile on my lips; I get up and float out of his arms. As I do so; I think to myself *I do miss his warmth and being held by him. However that's ridiculous that he is my... No don't think about it; I gave up that along with my colours and voice long ago.*

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