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Rachel: Okay you need to explain why you are hanging out with Sebastian the dick.

Barry shout: Hey!!!!

Santana: You are a dick meerkat.

Oliver: Who the hell are you guys.

Will: We are the new direction.

Cisco and Winn: This is weird.

Sasha: Okay, everyone be quite.

Kara: My name is Kara Zor-El. 24 years ago my planet, Krypton, was in serious peril. My cousin, Kal-El, was sent to a planet called Earth. for his own safety and protection You may know his story. The story you don't know is that I was sent to protect him.

Kitty: Wait you lived in a different planet.

Zor El: Your pod's coordinates are interlocked with Kal-El's. You will follow him to Earth.

Artie: Wait do you mean Superman. But how is he baby and you who is younger than him. On earth.

Kara: Your see.

Little Kara: I'm not afraid, Father.

Alura: The trip is long but you'll sleep most of the way and we'll be with you in your dreams. You'll journey to Earth to look after your baby cousin, Kal-El. Because of the Earth's yellow sun, you'll have great powers on this planet. You will do extraordinary things.

Jake confuse: What power?

Finn: She is supergirl Jake. You should know that by now.

Jake: I dated an alien.

Kara, Barry and Direction shout: Shut up Jake.

Everyone looked at Kara , Barry and the glee and wonder what did he do to Kara.

Little Kara: I won't fail Kal-El or you.

Alura:I love you, Kara. (EXPLOSION) You must go, now.

Finn: Does that mean you are the person who saves people lives.

Kara: Yes I am.

Rachel: So you been an alien and you never told us at all.

Kara: I'm sorry but if people knows my identity. They would target all of you until I have nothing. I already lost some people and didn't want to lose my family when I was in McKinley.

Will: Wow Marley. Thank you.

Kara: Of course Mr. Shue. I loved you guys and I love my other friends who known me almost my entire life.

Directions and Superfriend: Thanks.

Little Kara: Things didn't exactly go according to my mother's plan. Krypton's destruction sent a shock wave that knocked my pod off course and into the Phantom Zone. A region in space where time doesn't pass. I slept there for 24 years.

Ryder: You been in that hole for 24 years.

Little Kara: Until somehow I got here. When I arrived, I was still a 13-year-old girl. But in that same time my cousin Kal-El had grown up and revealed himself to your world as Superman. The most powerful man in the universe. My cousin wanted me to have the same safe human-type childhood he did. So he placed me with my adoptive family, the Danvers. Scientists who once helped him understand his own super abilities.

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