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☆Hyung line☆

(here they all are older than you by 1/2 years)
[even tho i cant relate but ive seen like 5 11yr engenes here🤚🏻😩☠]

-the more mature one.
-cooks ramen for every dinner if your parents werent home.
- isnt the noisy one.
-he takes care of you more.
-bickering 25/8.
-literally all his beanies are taken by you.

-yall bicker and fight alot but non of you take it to heart.
-was you house ever quiet? no.
-you never wash your dishes so he ends uo scholding you (not harsh tho).
-you love testing his patience as he always just starts speakjng in kolinglish.
-but he always has a soft side.

[here both of yall are twins]
-layla, yall always wanna play with her.
-your relationship is like the soft one.
-yall always hug and just stick by each others side.
-your math tutor.
-and you both have you baking friday every week lol.
-anyways yall love each other sm.

-with this sassy/moody guy, a day could never
be peaceful.
-even though both of yall are introverts, with each other yall are like 'introverted who'.
-jumps on your bed to wake you up every saturday to go ice skating with him, knowing very well you cant.
-both of yall burn kitchens so yeah.


no a/n here lol just hope you like it- wait now this IS an a/n- byee

𝐄𝐍𝐇𝐘𝐏𝐄𝐍 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒💌Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora