Author's Note

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You've made it to the end of my story! Thanks so much for reading it, I appreciate you <3 I genuinely had no intention of making this story based solely on #Marichat, but it's what flowed best.

I'm sorry if the character's dialogue/actions seem rushed or out of character, writing stories isn't as easy as it looks :(

The ending is definitely way out of character but for my story it only made sense because Marinette tells Alya that she's in love with Chat Noir so it would've been weird if Marinette and Adrien just started dating with no explanation.

I'm really sorry I didn't write many fight scenes/include Hawk Moth. I wanted it to mainly focus on their relationship so fight sequences would've taken too up too much of the story. My intention was to zoom in on the sensitive and empathetic side of Ladybug and Chat Noir so sorry for the lack of action.

I don't really see the need for a second part or continuation so if you're reading this, I really hope you enjoyed the story as much as I enjoyed writing it! :) 💞💞

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