You broke his heart We break your legs

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Izuku Midoriya sat dejected on the bench overlooking the park. His shoulders hunched and his eyes downcast as he tried to keep his mind clear of the thoughts and feelings that had been clawing at him the entire day.

"I shouldn't cry," he thought to himself with a pained sigh as he attempted to restrain a sob from escaping his mouth for the umpteenth time that day. "I shouldn't give them the satisfaction."

The day had started out so well. In fact, if he was honest with himself, this whole week was going so well for him. Too well, actually, that should've been Izuku's first sign that his world was going to crash around him soon enough.

"I guess I shouldn't be surprised," Izuku said to himself as he leaned back against the bench, ignoring the sight of families enjoying the spring afternoon around him. "I mean, who would have wanted to be in a relationship with..."

"Midoriya, my boy!" a deep voice broke Izuku out of his thoughts as a towering figure entered his view. She was thin and gaunt, almost skeleton-like that made her look even taller than she was as she moved closer to him carrying an ice cream cone in each of her hands." I'm sorry it took so long. It seems like everyone in the park decided to get ice cream at the same time!"

"It's no problem All-might," Izuku said, forcing a semblance of emotion into his voice as he took the single scoop of chocolate ice cream."You didn't have to do this, you know."

The former number one heroine and retired symbol of peace smiled as she sat next to the boy. Fully content with spending the afternoon away with the boy who had become the most important person in her life in such a short time.

"But I wanted to, my boy," She said before coughing into her hand, the feeling of her body betraying her for a moment dampening the mood for a brief period before the time passed and the same boisterous laugh escaped the older woman's lips," A true hero knows that sometimes you just need to be a shoulder for a friend to lean on."

Izuku smiled and forced the frozen dessert to his lips. He savored the taste of chocolate for the first time since he was given the "Aim to Pass! American Dream Plan" when he had first started training for the U.A. entrance exam.

It felt good to forget the usual well-balanced diet that dominated every meal, at least a little.

"So." the older woman said after a moment of silence, "Would you like to talk about it?"

Izuku sighed as he lowered his eyes lower to the ground. He really didn't want to talk about it, at least not right now. Still, he knew he was the type of person who wore his emotions on his sleeve and that if he didn't get directly in front of it as soon as he could, it would lead to future problems.

"She broke up with me." Izuku said with a whisper, his voice sounding hollow to his ears as he heard them." she broke up with me and said she only dated me as a joke."

All Might placed her empty hand onto his shoulder, calming the young teen before another round of tears escaped his eyes.

"I know it's stupid," Izuku said, trying not to look at his mentor out of fear of seeing disappointment or pity in her eyes. "I know I shouldn't cry about something like this, but..."

"No, my boy," All Might said, her voice quiet yet powerful as she forced the teenage boy to look her in the eyes as she spoke to him." You have every right to be as upset as you are, don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

He knew it was unfair of him to monopolize All Might, THE All Might, for emotional support over something as petty and small as this. Still, if Izuku Midoriya was an expert in one thing, it was how unfair life could be.

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