rap battle 😈😈

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You werw passing down the street in ur red crocs and neon green shorts when someone stopped u and pulled uf pink hair from behidn

WHAT ARE U DOING u shouted

You looked behidn and it was a musty man wearing a  neon blue dress smiling at u , he had a bug tatoo on his arm writting Oikawa toruu

"Yahoo" he said as he slammed his dirty phone on ur face, showing u a advertisment of a rap battle contest decorated so badly

"You look like someone who is good at rapping, come wif me , " he blinks and dragged you with him to a darkk alley

He jumped into a hole leading into the sewers, you followdd him carefully

Inside rhe sweres there was many rats and there was a bug rap battle going on, there were many shiny lights around that were disturbing ur vision

You accidentally stumbled down the stairs and broke ur neck, then there came another musty man , holding his arm out to help u get up.

The man wore a flower crown and had bedsheets as his dress , he wore green lipstick and his musty toes were dragging along te ground, he wore an indie necklace around his neck , the beads spelking out "hello kity says ACAB" 😈

He introduced himeslf and saif that he was the best rapper in town, his name was ging freecs 😍😍

Ur neck was fixed in no time as the rats helped u heal yor wounds

" Would youb liek ro be my partner for the rap battle?" Ging freecs said asbhe braided his stinky hair.

"Anything for u u sonic hedgehog," you said as u burts into tears

"Y/N, ging freecs are next! " The host, oikaw a tooru called out , the crowd screamed in joy . The hedhegog smiled in joy as he took your hand , pulling u up to the stage.

You started getting nervous as u were on the stage xuz u dont know how to rap.

"What are we supoosed to sing, gIng.'
You asked as the rats passed u the microphone.

"Just follow my lead" ging winked, and his eyelash extensions fell off.
You didnt think much as you were mesmerized by his beauty.

He began to sing with his soothing and amaizng voice

火火火火火!!" 🥶🥶

U pretended like u knew what he was rapping and rappes along with him ina foreign language.

Oikawa toruu, the host was shocked as this isnt even rap.

Suddenly, the roof of the sewers started breaking down piece by piece as ging freecs sang, the pieces of rocks crashed down and killed alot of mice.

The crowd startdd screaming but ging kept singing

"What are u guys so woriied about, this is just some effects to make the show more entertaining,," oikawa toruu rolled his eyes as his said.

The crowd calmed.

Zuddenly, they received news that the world is falling apart ajd is exploding soon.

Oikawa toruu and the crowd paincked , as ging continued rapping.

The ground then broke into two as the world fell apart, ging held ur hand at the last moments and whispered into ur ears as the temperature rose and flames were all over the place.

He whispered with his bad breath,:     "苹果" (apple) .

It was his last words.

The last thing u could remember was the smell of ging's breath , it tasted like a monkey's poop.

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