What's worth fighting for...

Start from the beginning

"Uh howdy baby, I gotta run a errand with Rip but I will be back tonight."he said as he leaned in and kissed me quickly before walking away too the barn where my jaw tensed when Jimmy was hopping in the truck after Lloyd.

"Um. Beth let's go inside."I said.

"Actually,I have too go somewhere to take Tate."she said as Tate was walking out the door and passing me too get into the backseat of her car.

"Wtf?"I mumbled too myself.

I carried the car seat in with me going upstairs and checking the time on my phone.


I sighed as I walked into The master room,Seeing a pack and play in the room along with a rocker.I unbuckled liz out of her Seat and rocked her lightly back and forth.She started crying louder.I sighed, as I sat in the rocker and began nursing her.It hurt really bad in my opinion.But after about a hour it was finically almost 9:30 or so when I laid her down in the pack and play.She fell fast asleep.I took a shower and got dressed in A random shirt Kayce left on the floor the last time he was here and a pair of underwear.I sighed closing my eyes as I shut the bathroom lights off and almost jumped when I saw Tate.

"Howdy,Momma."he whispered as he walked over too me and hugged me.

"Hey , baby."I said as I slid in bed after he hugged me and he slid into bed snuggling into me. 

He shut his eyes when I started rubbing his hair.I fell asleep shorty after.

*third person POV*

"Get out of the truck."Kayce said as he opened the driver door and grabbed a handful of Jimmy's shirt and pulled him out of the backseat.

"Dude have you lost your fucking mind!"Jimmy yelled at him.

"Nope, at least not yet.I'm going too teach you a goddamn lesson."Kayce yelled at Jimmy.

Lloyd and Rip stood behind Jimmy in case Jimmy tried to make a run for it.

"So you fucked my girl?!Huh Jimmy!?!"kayce screamed at him chocking him.

"I swear dude I didn't!!!I didn't fuck her!!!"Jimmy yelled at Kayce.

"Damn lying right?!?!"he yelled as he punched him straight in the face.

"Listen here Mother fucker if you so much as ever touch her.I will fucking kill you.You hear me?!Goddamn it Jimmy!"he screamed at him his voice going in and out.

"She lost the fucking baby because of You!!"Kayce yelled at Jimmy.

"No she didn't she lost the baby because of you! you piece of shit!"he yelled at Kayce.

"Piece of shit huh?!"he yelled as he punch him again.

"Rip finish him off!!"he yelled as he handed Jimmy over too Rip.

Rip threw a straight punch in his gut.Making Jimmy cough up blood.Spitting it on the ground.

"Don't make me take back the brand!Cause I will! Kayla is my damn best friend!"he said as he threw a straight kick too him,again,again,and again.

Rip drunk Jimmy over too the back of the truck and threw him in the backseat as Lloyd hopped back in without a single word.

"If you so much as mess with my daughter you will not stand a second do you here me?!?!"Lloyd yelled at him when Kayce turned around and drove 2 hours back too the Ranch.

daughter?Wasn't expecting that...


*Kayla's POV*

It was 1:38am Tate had his head on my chest,fast sleep.I resently woke up too feed Elizabeth and too pee and pump again.Kayce walked in and sighed setting his keys and wallet on the table next too the bedroom door.He walked over too his side of the bed with a yawn as he kicked off his boots and pulled his shirt over his head and tossing it on the grabbed.And he pulled of his pants.He slid into bed and tossed his back too me.

"Where were you?"I asked him.

"Went too take care of something m.That needed too be delt with."he whispered loudly as he tossed over on his side.

"I love you,Kayce."I said as I stood up with Tate in my arms and walked too the bedroom door and down the hall.Kayce sat up and shortly after followed me.I was walking back when Kayce followed me back.I laid Tate down and that's why I got up.I laid back down in the bed and Kayce did the same.

"I need you Kayce.."I said as looked up at him.

"God I'm so I love with you, baby."He said as he tucked a long piece of my black hair behind my ear.

"Happy birthday, baby."he said too me.

"Thanks baby."I said as I leaned din and kissed him.

Nothing like good ole birthday sex...

To be continued...

A/N: who was expecting the fight with Kayce and Jimmy?And who was also expecting that Lloyd's Kayla father?I sure as hell didn't plan that but it seemed like a perfect surprise lol Well only 2 chapters left in this book!!!Then were starting book 2!!

Love on a Ranch~Kayce DuttonWhere stories live. Discover now