Y/n gladly accepted, her hand reaching for Katsuki. Per usual had been reluctant to physical touch. Once in her embrace, he returned the action.

"Again, if anything happens, we're a call away," Mitsuki recalled once more. She gave Senya and Izuku a quick fist bump before turning to Kage.

With their final goodbyes, they waved, heading their separate ways.

"Let's go!" Y/n was eager, taking hold of Izuku's hand once more as she ran (more like dragged) him behind her.

Her happiness was at its max, a peak of its usual level and that had been because of multiple reasons.

She'd been around the people she'd grown to love with a short amount of time, at the place of her dreams.

Time has no attribute to truly knowing someone.

Senya and Katsuki followed close behind, both hiding their true enthusiasm for the sake of their pride themselves.

"I got y/n, you got Deku." Katsuki directed, nodding his head in dismissal as the two split ways.

It was routine.

Senya had the highest responsibility, took care of them with the title of being the oldest. Of course, it'd been difficult, a new feel of caregiving that would strengthen his skills but also exhausted them. He couldn't be at three places at once.

So Katsuki helped.

Provided Senya with the extra hand he didn't have because subconsciously he knew it had to be difficult. Never would the boy admit it, but keeping an eye out for the ones he cared for was an act he kept hidden.

And whether he would confess to it or not, there was a deep-rooted sense of fondness toward the siblings and their mom.

His feet skid across the ground, dragged more like it. His eyes searched each aisle, already having an acknowledgment of where Y/n was.

He knew her like the back of his hand.

It could have been since he had been her first friend, the first human interaction since set free to the public. Yet it'd been slightly more. He distracted her, helped cover the thoughts of her previous life with something better.

Smaller details he'd learned had been from eavesdropping at times he probably shouldn't have.

Even with his younger age, he understood the factors of how hard it could have been for both of the siblings.

"Katsuki!" She exclaimed, bending down quickly. "Look at these shirts I found."

"How'd you know I was coming?" He approached her quietly, noticing the hand-held basket full of Midnight themed items.

It'd been no surprise that her mother's words went through one ear and out the other.

"I could sense you, duh. Now, not the point, which one?" Her hands held up two shirts.

One blue, one white. Midnight had been slapped across them, along with her logo and usual colors. The only difference had been the placement of the design.

Katsuki shrugged. "Neither."

"What do you mean neither?!" Y/n gasped, an immediate frown appearing on her face.

"I don't like 'em. At least not those two." He looked away, turned to the shelf left to him that held all of the folded ones.

He skimmed through, looked for others that were better in his opinion. Y/n next to him attempted to fold the others she'd grabbed, yet failed, hiding them in the back of the shelf.

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