He was a curious man. But she was a curious woman.

"Alright." Her head bobbed, dark eyes closing momentarily. "Alright." She rested her hands on her hips, licking her lips in consideration. "Perhaps another place?"

He nodded and offered his arm.

She stared at the limb and her mind was at war, but before she could let herself think her way out of it, she grabbed his arm and let him lead her away.

That was the moment her life changed forever.

The memories kept changing and shifting, blossoming before her eyes and then darting away. Over fifty years of memories in her head, thirty of them belonging to Klaus, as well.

Memories that had impact on her life and memories that meant nothing.

Talia felt her head roll to the side as she floated passively through the deathless state. Klaus, everything was about Klaus.

She didn't understand why her life was so entwined with his, beyond the fact they were soulmates, of course. But did soulmates usually feel such agony from their relationship?

Companions was the better word, it was the one she preferred. He was her companion and she was his. Companions had freedom, she did not.

Maybe companion wasn't the right word either.

Talia groaned, feeling an intense pain in her head. Pounding and pounding and it was getting worse and worse. Oh, couldn't it just go away?

She swallowed something that tasted like blood, but her mouth was filled with some substance. It was sweet but also metallic, oh God, more blood.

Trying to spit it out, the girl writhed in the everlasting darkness. No, no, gross. She felt her lips part, puking out the substance. Her chest suddenly felt wet and warm, making her twist more.

Her hand lifted, trying to wipe off the substance but there was something holding her hands at bay and her mouth was filling with that substance again.

The darkness was starting to fade, replaced by light. Too much light. It was blinding and her eyes closed tighter, head whipping back and forth as she spat out the liquid.

There was something pressed against her lips, pushing more of the substance into her mouth and a hand resting at the back of her head, trying to goad her to swallow.

"Come on, Talia, just one sip."

The voice was faint, so far away. So familiar, though. Why was it so familiar?

She whined, shaking her head. It tasted so bad, no!

Her head felt empty, everything so far away except that liquid. Too much liquid, too warm, horrible taste. So bad, so gross, get it away. Tears sprang to her eyes, leaking down her cheeks as she pushed weakly at whatever held her hands. But whatever was holding them only tightened.

"No, no!" She screamed and sobbed, her legs thrashing and suddenly whatever held her hands released, grabbing at her legs. She felt something strong pinning down her legs but her hands were free and she tried to hit whoever was forcing the thing in her mouth. "Get away from me!" Her words were garbled by the liquid and the thing in her mouth, whatever it was.

Simple Secrets || N. MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now