chapter three

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Emily laid on her bed with air pods in blasting her music. But shouting putside of her door brought her attention of her music. She sighed pausing her music and inching towards her door.

"You dont understand!" Ginnt screamed at their mom. "Oh, you think I dont understand?" Georgia snapped back. "I understand, believe me, mommy understands. You are me, and I was an idiot. I broke my back giving you every opportunity I never had, so you're gonna throw it all away on the first jerkoff Shawn Hunter wannabe. You know who's sexy? Skinny, nerdy guy in your biology class. Have sex with that guy. Bang future Mark Zuckerberg. Have you learned nothin' from Romy and Michele?"

Ginny smirked at her. "Scared I'm gonna tap into your weed supply?" Georgia sent a harsh glare to the girl. "And in not banging anyone cause I'm not you or Emily."

"I don't show up and have a new boyfriend every chance I get." Emily frowned as she listened to them argue. "At least Emily actually gives a damn about her mother." Georgia argued back. "You love her so much more then me and she's not even your actual kid!"

The blonde felt her eyes water at Georgia's words. "Baby, you know I'll never love her as much as you." Ginny looked up when she saw Emily listening in her doorway. "You really are just mom of the year." Georgia frowned following Ginny's eyes to Emily. "No I get it." Emily said before Georgia could defend herself, slamming her door behind her. She fell back against her door sobbing. "Fine! Wanna slam doors? We can all slam doors!" Georgia shouted slamming her door.

After Emily heard the final slam she dragged herself over to her desk, finding a bottle.

Emily woke the next morning in the same position. Laying against her desk, open bottle in hand, tear stained cheeks. She eyed the bottle in her hand before dumping the contents into a water bottle. After drinking some mouthwash she got ready and left for school.

"You look like shit." Natalie said as she walked to Emily, Braysons arm around her. "Thanks." Emily muttered taking another swig from her bottle. The couple watched as the girl cringed. "Whats in this?" Natalie asked pulling the bottle from her. "Don't." Emily said nervously but Natalie had already sipped. The girl coughed lowering the bottle. "Holy shit. Barbie girls got issues."

Emily scoffed pulling it back. "I didnt mean it in a bad way." Natalie pleaded. "Em, c'mon. Nat just has no social skills." Grayson joked. She sighed turning back.

"We can ditch last period, finish this out front." Natalie suggested with a grin. "Fine." Emily slurred slightly.

The three were outside of the school laughing as students left building at the end of the day. "Hey, g-guys come meet Ginny." Emily said stumbling her friends over to her step-sister and her group. Their conversation stopped as the three stopped at them. "And this I-is my amazing step-sister Virgina." She said loudly.

"What is wrong with you Emily?" Ginny snapped at the girl. "What? You're to good for my friends too?" Emily slurred. "Are you drunk?"

Norah stepped forward glaring down her identical twin. "Of course she is, she's hanging out with my twin sister." Emily looked over to the girl. "Woah theres two of you." She giggled, falling back into Brayson. The group of sophmores watched over them nervously. "Wait, Max! Hey." She cheered when she saw the brunette. "Hi." Max whispered catching the older blonde.

The group fell silent when they heard Georgia calling out to them. "Shit, is that Georgia?" Emily whispered to Max. The girl bit her lip nodding.

"Please Norah." Natalie begged her twin sister. "Fine, Abby, Max, help please." Norah gave into taking the three. "Thank you." Emily thanked her. Norah glared gtabbing ahold of her sister, Abby took Brayson, and Max held Emily, as they struggled to take them to the older twins car.

Norah drove them, complaining to Abby in the front seat. Natalie cuddled into Brayson on the left. Emily leaned into Max on the right side.

"I'm sorry." Emily mumbled once Max had laid the girl down on her bed. "What?" Max asked looking down. "You just look mad, so I'm pretty sure I did something." She sighed sitting beside the blonde. "I'm not mad, I just..." Max noticed the older girls teary eyes. "Marcus was being a dick." She lied hoping to not upset the girl. "Oh...well thanks for taking me, Georgia would've killed me. She already doesnt like me." Emily muttered burying her head in the pillow. "What do you mean?" Emily rolled over. "She told Ginny last night that she would never love me like she does her."

Max frowned watching the broken girl and she started stroking her hair. "You're amazing, never think different." Emily hummed falling asleep.

Another short one but, two chapters in one day!

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