Chapter Two: Memories Lead to Heartache

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Case events are fictional. Names that are not related to Chicago PD are randomly chosen.

Erin Lindsay

January 8th, 2015

Halstead's apartment

Chicago, IL.

North Side

6:30 AM CST

I woke up an hour ago to the aroma of rich coffee brewing. Jay made us both breakfast as we talked about last night. It was really great to see everyone again from 51, but I miss him as my partner, and being with him at work every day. I knew leaving would be painful and difficult to deal with for a while, but I never thought I would feel like this. This pain in my heart will never go away.

I got ready for work when I realized I left my keys at my apartment; there was not enough time to take the train, so Jay offered to drive me. For the first time in a while, I enjoyed being the passenger. I was still extremely nervous about Task Force and I did not know why. Yes, there were certain things that I would have to learn to be okay with, but I never felt this way in Intelligence. I was always excited and intrigued to go to work from the start. The nervousness I feel, is a wakeup call for me; if I am feeling this way at the end of the day, I am going to have to make a decision for my well being based on where I belong. Jay could tell something was wrong, but I told him I was okay, I did not want him to worry about me.

Task Force of Illinois

Evergreen Park

8:00 AM CST

As I walked into the Intelligence Unit of Task Force I realize I am searching for the care and support I worked with for years, but no one acknowledged I was even there besides glances and the occasional nod. I was beginning to think my name was irrelevant to them when Lang greeted me at the conference room door with three young ladies sitting next to each other at the table. Before I entered the room Lang explained to me they were Barretts' sisters. I introduced myself as Officer Lindsay, but the girls did not respond for a while. We assumed they were either shy or uncomfortable in the environment. I did not blame them it was shocking to me at first too.

We waited for the girls to feel comfortable so they could tell us their names. A few minutes past before the oldest spoke. "My name is Jolie-she motioned to her left-these are my sisters Suzy and Alicia. I'm 26, Suzy is 22 and Alicia is 20. We are Tyler and Gabe's sisters."

What we needed to find out was where the boys worked. It is the most valuable information we would need on our end, and 21 would handle tracking down the boys. Jolie said that they are working out of a foreclosed apartment complex on 5th and Mason; they just transferred there last week. She said that they switch off using each other's cars to not bring attention and suspicion to the neighborhood since they live three towns over from the complex.

9:30 AM CST

Lang spoke to the girls as I excused myself from the room to answer the call from Voight. He wanted to let me know that they have a detail on all of the license plates the boys use, and that they are narrowing in on the whereabouts of the building when I interrupted him. "The boys are working out of a foreclosed apartment complex on 5th and Mason. They switch off using each other's cars to not cause suspicion since they live three towns over. Focus on the times they arrive and depart from the complex. We have to be one step ahead of them. We cannot let them slip through our fingers any longer."

Before I walked back in I could see Suzy drawing something for Lang through the glass door. When I sat down I could tell they were markings that resembled half visible tattoos on the brothers' arms and shoulders from the photos we showed them. Jolie told us that Suzy drew these specifically for her brothers. They asked her to create something unique to their family and these markings are what she came up with. They were very distinct and not common. Suzy told us that she drew all of her family member's tattoos, and that she was afraid of needles so she did not have any. She was an art major at the college across town. Lang and I thanked her for showing us what the tattoos actually looked like. We were grateful all three of them were willing to help us with the case.

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