Chapter 3: Getting Ready

Start from the beginning

"Argh Remi. Right on time. Make up and hair please. You'll find all you need, in the box on the bed. She can get herself dressed. I'll see you down there shortly."

She bows her head to him, smiling "Yes Alpha"

Once he's gone she looks at me and her face looks like shes sucking on a lemon! I smirk. I can see their faces but I can never meet their eyes. Alphas the only one I can go no higher than his chin. She really has nothing going for her though other than tits that are huge and she's easy. She's fugly with her brown lifeless, thin bob cut and eyes that are too big for her face. A forehead that goes on and on and big bushy eyebrows. Her lips are always in a pout when men are around, as she's had botox to have, as she called it 'lips men want wrapped round their dick'. Well she's welcome to all the dicks around here! She's probably got a few STDs that they are more than welcome too!.

"Hurry up and get over here bitch. I ain't got all day. I have to go and get ready myself. I'm hoping to find my mate or have one of the Alphas pick me anyway. And I need to make sure Im looking my best."

Like anyone would want a filthy slut as a mate. It doesn't matter how long you take trying to pretty yourself up either, what's that saying about pigs? You can put lip stick on them but there still a pig or something! I doubt I'll find mine either. When he couldn't find me he probably picked a chosen and that breaks the true mate bond. They would still know by smell I was there intended but wouldn't have the pull anymore. As once mated it's final unless they die.

I go sit in the chair at the vanity in the bathroom and she gets to work. An hour later she's finished applying and straightening my hair. Alpha will cut it soon so I'm glad I get to enjoy it for now. He only cuts it because he knows I love it long. My mum used to have hers long. God do I miss her and my dad everyday. The pack used to treat me like a princess back then. I don't remember much but I remember that. It's like they forgot who I am or blame me for their deaths.

"Your done so I'm going." Remi says clearing up all the stuff, probably planning on taking it for herself. Not that I care. I go into the bedroom to find underwear as Iv been in a towel the whole time. Iv just dropped the towel to put on my panties when she says

"Oh I forgot to give you this."

I'm thinking what now and go to turn to her when I feel her press something to my hip and it burns. I can smell my skin burning. I bat it away and see it's the burning hot straighteners. She laughs as she walks out of the room. Fucking bitch. I go to the bathroom and sit on the tub and put the tap on and run cold water over the burn.

I thought I was off limits I guess not! Then I hear the door go again and think who the fuck is it now!. I turn it off and grab a towel just in case and head into the bedroom where Doc is standing tapping his foot. What's he doing here?

"Iv come to dress your words so no blood seeps through your dress. Would be easier in the bath room. Alpha told me you'd need stitches so go on, we don't want to get any on the carpet." He says walking past me. So I follow and sit and let him get on with it. The fucking stitches hurt! He doesn't use anesthetic to numb it so I feel it all. The bastard is enjoying this.

"Your done. Alpha expects you down at half 7. It's now 6. Some food will be sent up as Alpha doesn't want your stomach giving you away and your not to touch any food down there but i've been told your having a drink! Not too much as you've never drank and it will go straight to your head." And with that he leaves.

"Alpha, you will have to send someone to escort me down. As I don't know where I'm supposed to be!"

"For fuck sake. I'll send Remi back for you at half 7. Be ready."

I sit on the bed waiting on food which arrives at 6.30, which consists of mash and sausages! Which I devourer quickly and the glass of water I gulp down and refill twice. I go back into the bathroom and brush my teeth and have a wee. Then head into the bedroom to get dressed.

Before I get to the wardrobe there's a knock on my door. Scrunching my face up in confusion as to who it could be I grab a sheet to cover myself and answer it. Mark barges in and with him the most delicious smell fills my nose and makes my mouth water. It smells like cinnamon and the forest.

"Close the door!"

I shut it and the smell out. What the fuck does he what, I think and sigh. I go and stand in front of him and he rips the sheet away. I cover myself as much as possible as I go to move around him to get more clothes when he shoves me onto the bed.

"Alpha, Mark is in here and if he's not careful will ruin all Remi and Doc's hard work." I rush through the link.


Mark starts laughing but lets up in being aggressive.

He gets up and I try to get up but he punches me in the face and I go back down. He grabs my wrist and ties it to the headboard. I keep tugging it to get loose but its no use. As he walks round the bed I try to undo the knot, Before I can, he snatches my other wrist and ties that one too. Fuck! If I could speak I'd be giving him a piece of my mind.

"ARRRGGGHHH" I send in the link showing my frustrations. And I receive a mental laugh back.

"You are a complete and utter piece of shit. You'll regret this. I swear you will. And he punched me in the face. How you gonna hide that huh?"

"One. foot. out of line IT. And it won't just be me you have to deal with. I told you Alpha Darren has already offered me a large sum for you. And I'm thinking I might just do it. As for you face, Mark has something for that!!"

Again more laughing!! While i've been having an internal chat, Mark has now also tied down my feet. And is at the bottom of the bed. I have no clue what he's doing. Then I scream out as the bottom of my foot is smacked so hard it splits open. If I had to guess it's a small whip or sharp ruler type thing! He does this to both feet 5 times on each. I feel the blood dripping from my toes and taste it where I bit my tongue and cheek to stop from crying out. Then I hear him rustling around and mutter something about 'stupid glue?'

He then climb's up my body and says "hold still"

I see what looks like a mask with clear gel all over it. And he puts it towards my face. He said glue!! He's glueing it to my face! I pull my head away and he says

"If it don't go on properly the first time, I'll rip it off and do it again"
That has me going still. Its cold and gross being squashed onto my face and holding it there he then forces himself into me. When he's done he unties me and says

"That should be dry now and remember. ONE. FOOT. Out of line and Alpha will punish you. So watch yourself. Oh and here you go..." he clips something to my wrist and leaves.

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