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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


I walked outside and noticed Aisha seating alone in one of the benches.
I sat down next to her and saw that she looked pretty bored, just messing around with her straw inside her cup.

"Bloom said she was going to meet you." I comment confused. Bloom left me a good 20 minute ago, it wasn't that hard to find Aisha.

"Well, she didn't." Aisha sighed, giving me a small smile.

"Is everything ok?" I ask, noticing her weird behavior.

Before she could answer me, Bloom came through the doors and stalked over to us holding a picture in her hand.

"She's standing right next to Miss Dowling." She squealed excited, pointing at a old woman in a picture.

"And you're absolutely sure this is the woman from your memory?" Aisha asked. She looked tired of this whole matter. "Not another "maybe"?"

"One-hundred percent." Bloom confirmed and took a seat next to me. "Which means Dowling knows something and she's hiding it from me again."

"OK. We'll talk to her tomorrow." I smiled at her.

"Tomorrow?" Bloom frowned.

"Let's go home." Aisha sighed, standing up. "You're pissed off and a little drunk, and I can do some homework." She tried to persuade Bloom.

"She lied to me. I'm not waiting until tomorrow to go find answers." Bloom complained. She was definitely drunk and acting like a bratty little kid.

"OK then. Have fun." Aisha turned her back to go to our dorm.

I sighed divided between going with Bloom and making sure she didn't do anything that she would regret later or letting drunk Bloom deal with this on her own so that I wouldn't get into any trouble.
My good side wins. I couldn't just let her go stumbling drunk into the headmistress office.

"You're not gonna come?" Bloom turned to Aisha hurt.

"You wanna see the headmistress
at midnight, wasted? Go for it." Aisha retaliated. "While you're at it, why don't you hit the Stone Circle and nuke your magic?" She added, rolling her eyes at Bloom that just stood there looking at her in her drunken state. "Maybe you'll get a signal from your long-lost fairy guide, 'cause that makes sense." Aisha exploded finally letting out her frustrations. "I'm done pulling you from the edge, Bloom. If you wanna jump, jump." She finished and stalked away from us.

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