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Rayan's PoV

I looked at her flushed form as she took a sip of water. She had composed herself she wasn't coughing anymore but she was embarrassed. I tore my eyes off her and made my way to the table along with Fareed.

" Are you Okay, Miss Alina? " He asked her concerned while taking the head's seat I sat on his left. She nodded with teary eyes but didn't utter a word.

" Asalam o Alaikum, everyone, " I greeted them with a polite smile that they returned respectfully.

" You visited us after a long time, " Sania stated while Fareed served a scoop of rice on my plate.

" Yeah, I was just busy with life, " I shrugged casually.

I didn't know that I will meet her here. I hadn't arranged a meeting with her bodyguard for several weeks. I was so caught up with my life that except for the general information about her wellbeing I didn't dig much. Her forgiveness had played a troll on my motives. I don't want to ruin anything again. I have to be cautious if I want to be with her. That's why I let her be. I know I wouldn't get caught even if she finds out the tracker in her phone but still prevention is better than cure.

" He is my childhood buddy Rayan Sherazi, this is Miss Alina the CEO of Flora jewelers and her teammates. Kids are with the Nanny because you know how disastrous toddlers can be at the dining. " he lightly joked and they all greeted me and I received their greetings delightfully.

" Nice to meet you Mr. Sherazi, " Alina said contrary to my expectations. I looked at her bewildered but composed myself soon because I don't want to make a fool of myself.

" Likewise, Miss Alina, " I heard myself saying while my heart danced with pleasure.

The remaining lunch went in silence as the way I prefer. I don't like people talking at the dining. Let everyone eat in peace. The lunch was so delicious and I was really hungry.

Where life has made us stand! Me and Alina eating together at the same table, living under the same roof. This made me giddy and all excited. Oh boy, I am so lovesick! I secretly steal a few glances of her. Oh, love, you don't know what effect you have on me!


" You are too happy after seeing me this is so unusual of you, you keep smiling like an idiot. " Fareed remarks while laughing.

" Of course I am, why this seems unusual to you? I am certainly happy, we are meeting properly after almost ten years. " I said in a duh-tone but he still laughed and rested his hand under his chin staring at me mischievously.

" I know you too well Rayan Sahab. We had grown up together. Don't even try to hide something from me because I can see through your soul. " he told me and I smirked. The statement most besties use when they see us lying.

"it's nothing bro, don't exaggerate, " I swiftly lied. He squinted his eyes at me they sat straight.

" Okay, whatever you say, I will let it slide for now, " he said but I know he will again inquire me soon.


Fareed was the only son of my nanny. She had a dispute with her in-laws after her husband's death so she left them and came to Karachi in search of a job. She lived with us since I was born. Fareed was a year older than me, we were practically like Brothers. Whatever was mine was his, vice versa. When I started going to school I demanded that I won't go alone, Fareed will go with me so my parents also admitted him with me in the same grade. We passed the school together. He was a brilliant student. But then one day his Uncle visited us telling us that he needs them, he begged forgiveness from Nanny. We didn't have any way to stop him, he was going to affianced to his cousin that he had loved since forever. Another one of the people I had loved was snatched from me. I was so angry at him or fate that I never contacted him. He tried to stay in touch but I always made an excuse and slip away. I was mad at him. Then little by little our engagement became zero.

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