Chapter Two- Arrival and Introduction

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They all arrived with bags, one with far too many. Their faces were stunning as always, that was what Severus constantly worried about. His sisters were beautiful, talented, and strong, he wouldn't be surprised if Malfoy fell deeply in love with one of them. A pleasured smiled spread across Albus's face as Severus's sisters came through Snape's chamber's fireplace, unaffected by the soot that they had all somehow avoided. They all through their arms around Severus and then stepped back for the next sister to give her older brother a hug. Severus tried to hide his smile, but it was impossible for him not to fell delighted when he saw his sisters.

"Severus!" they all exclaimed. As they all finished hugging the man, they all stepped back with their luggage set down on the floor beside them. 

"Girls, this is Professor Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts, you will respect him like you respect me" Severus said as Albus gave them all a smile. The headmaster was surprised by their beauty, none of them had Severus's nose, which implied the professor's had broken it somehow.

"That's not very much then" one of the younger sisters said, and they all erupted in laugher, Albus chuckling, and Severus smirking away.

"Good morning Headmaster Dumbledore" one of the sisters stepped forward and shook Albus's hand.

"Please, call me Albus" Severus rolled his eyes. "Now, what is your name my dear?" 

"Good point, Albus" said Severus. "Girls introduce yourself."

The sister who had shaken Albus's hand stepped forward again. She had her ebony hair done up in a curly bun at the back of her head, she wore an orange top and navy blue trousers, her eyes were dark brown. "My name is Delilah, I am the oldest a year below my brother. People say that I act as if I am the motherly figure in the family and the smartest, the voice of reason."

Then another sister stepped forward and shook the headmaster's hand. Her hair was also ebony and fell down in a plait her shirt was purple and fashionable, her face had a lot of makeup especially around her brown eyes. It was clear that she was the glamourous sister in the family due to the jewelry that she wore. "My name is Diana, I am the next youngest of my family."

Next, was a sister with hair in a high ponytail. She had a bright yellow shirt and light blue jeans. "Hello sir, my name is Daniella, according to my brother and sisters I am flirtatious and 'boy-crazy' I don't believe them." Albus chuckled.

Another sister stepped forward, her hair also in a high ponytail, she shook the headmaster's hand happily. She wore a light blue shirt and dark blue jeans, her eyes were excited and held a lot of energy. "Hi sir, my name's Daphne, I am extremely excited to stay here, I'm a great dancer" Severus and the other sisters all spoke at once, saying that she was defiantly not a good dancer.

"Hello Headmaster, my name is Dawn" a sister stepped forward, a side fringe covered her eye and she shook Albus's hand shyly. She spoke in a quiet voice, her viable eye was a soft brown, and her dark dark was loose so that she could hide behind it. She wore a red long-sleeved top, she was smaller than the others and obviously one of the youngest. As soon as she had introduced herself she went straight to Severus who held her close and wrapped his arms around her.

Then the last sister stepped forward, she had been the one to joke about respecting Severus earlier. She wore a lilac shirt and a matching head band, her dark hair was very creatively done up, and her eyes looked like she was trying to search for something to joke about. "Good morning Professor, my name is Donna, I am the youngest but I don't act like it, though I will tell you who does." Donna began to turn around and point but Severus held her hand down so that her finger would not go anywhere near Dawn who clung onto Severus.

"Donna!" Severus said sharply.

"Severus" she said, pushing to see how angry her brother would get.

"It was truly a delight to meet you all" said Albus. "You are more than welcome here at Hogwarts, if you need anything at all please come and ask me. I'm sure Severus will go over the rules he had set for you, he will be teaching classes regularly so hopefully you can find a way to entertain yourselves by then. I can see that Severus will want to discuss things with you all so I will leave you all in peace, do feel welcome to join the feast this evening. It was lovely to meet you all, I will be back tomorrow to check up on things." Albus smiled and walked towards the door.

"Goodbye Headmaster Albus" the girls said in unison.

Goodbye girls" Albus responded, he knew that he was going to enjoy seeing Severus handle them all. But it was no lie when he had said that he like the girls, they all seemed amazing.

Once the headmaster had left, Severus turned to the girls.

"Right girls" he said, his emotions were already slipping and he smiled and spoke enthusiastically. "Pick your bedrooms, the end one is mine, leave one near to me for Dawn." The girls raced down the hallway, Dawn, the shy one behind them all. Delilah, the oldest, waited next to Severus. She had been the one to help when their mother and father had died, she had Severus had acted like the parents in the family.

"The headmaster sounds nice" she said. 

"He is, but a warning, he has an addiction to handing out lemon drop sweets, I wouldn't let Daphne anywhere near him if I were you." said Severus.

"I'll keep that in mind. I think we should eat dinner here today, Sev, we'll get unpacked, knowing Diana, that will take a while. Then we can eat and go over the rules and plan, since you're teaching all the time we'll have to think of something." Delilah said.

"Seems like you have it all planned out. We'll go from there" Severus agreed.

The afternoon sped away, this wasn't a mistake just yet, at the moment this was the best time at Hogwarts he had had since Lily was alive.


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