Chapter Thirteen: Waiting Game

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Hope and Penelope wait for the twins to wake up. Some angst, but mostly fluff.

After Josie fell unconscious as well, Alaric explained that the book said that would occur and the twins should both wake up soon. Soon could not come soon enough, as both Penelope and Hope are growing increasingly anxious after a few days have passed and neither twin has awakened.

Both girls have refused to leave the siphoners' sides besides to eat or use the bathroom. They want to be there when their girls wake up. When they sleep, they sleep curled up beside their respective girlfriend, arm wrapped around their waists. A knock on the door breaks the silence that fills the room.

"Come in," Penelope calls.

Caroline enters, carrying a novel and water bottle. She knows the girls have barely been out of the twins' room. Alaric suggested she make them, promising to stay with Lizzie and Josie. Caroline thought she'd try, knowing her daughters' wouldn't want their girlfriends to just sit at their bedsides all day long.

"You two have barely left the room. So here's what's going to happen. You two are going for a walk. I will stay with the girls, and have someone come get you if they wake up," Caroline orders.

"But Ms. Forbes..." the auburn haired tribrid starts, but is cut off almost immediately by the blonde vampire.

"No buts. Go," Caroline replies, pointing at the door.

Penelope and Hope sigh. They each kiss their girlfriends' forehead before leaving the room. Heading outside, they decide to walk around the woods for a bit.

"I hate this. I hate the waiting. I just want them to wake up," Hope sighs, kicking at a nearby rock, which goes flying.

"Me too. I miss Josie's eyes. They're so pretty," the raven haired witch replies.

"I miss Lizzie's hugs. God she gives the best hugs," Hope adds.

"This waiting game sucks," Penelope groans.

"It does," the tribrid agrees.

"Once they wake up, you and I are going to take them into town for a date night. Jojo's always been begging for a double date, but we never had the time," the witch tells the tribrid.

"Sounds like a plan. Lizzie's also been begging for a double date. You know how close her and Josie are," Hope nods.

"Oh yeah. Sometimes your girlfriend will demand to be included in our cuddle time," Penelope laughs.

"Yours does the same," the auburn haired girl replies, smiling softly.

"We got lucky with those two," Penelope comments, thinking of Josie.

"Yes, we sure did," Hope agrees instantly, thinking of her own girlfriend.

Suddenly, MG comes running towards the pair at vampire speed. He skids to a stop, panting.

"They're waking up," He says, and Penelope and Hope take off towards the building, leaving MG behind.

The pair immediately rush to the twins' room, where they find them both stirring in their beds. Caroline is hovering between the two beds. Once Penelope and Hope arrive, the blonde vampire takes a step back, knowing her daughters will want to see their respective girlfriends first.

Penelope heads to Josie's bedside while Hope rushes to Lizzie's. Penelope watches as Josie's beautiful coffee brown eyes open, and she looks around. She sees Penelope, and a smile creeps across her face. Penelope smiles right back, and helps Josie sit up against the headboard.

"Did it work?" Josie asks groggily.

"Yeah, baby, it worked," Penelope chuckles, happy tears streaming down her checks.

"Why are you crying," Josie frowns, reaching out and wiping the raven haired girl's tears away.

"Happy tears, Jojo. I'm so happy you and Lizzie are finally awake. Hope was becoming quite the small, angsty terror," Penelope smiles.

"I heard that," Hope calls from across the room, where she has Lizzie wrapped up in her arms.

"It's true, and you know it," Penelope retorts, sitting on the bed and taking Josie into her arms as well.

"Aww, were you worried about me?" the blonde teases, looking deep into her girlfriend's soft blue eyes.

"Yes. I love you and was so scared you weren't going to wake up," Hope shrugs.

"Well, I did, we both did, and I love you too," Lizzie smiles, pecking the tribrid's lips.

"Gay," Penelope teases.

"Says the one who has my sister sitting in her lap," the blonde siphoner replies.

"She's got you there, Penny," Josie giggles.

"Well, I'm glad you both are awake and well. We did it, and now you both get to live long, happy lives," Caroline adds, placing a kiss on Josie, then Lizzie's, heads, "I'm going to go tell your father you are awake, and give you four some privacy,"

Caroline leaves, closing the door behind her. Josie and Lizzie snuggle even closer to their girlfriends. Hope and Penelope relish in the feeling of their girls in their arms, their hearts beating, awake and alive. They did it: they stopped the merge. Little do the twins know, but Hope and Penelope are already making plans for their future. Proposal type plans.

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