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Another double chapter update! Last chapter! Enjoy! (takes place a year later)

Penelope proposed to Josie at the spot they had their first kiss: the old mill. Hope and Lizzie helped her decorate it with fairy lights and flower petals. The tribrid helped Penelope cook some of Josie's favorite foods, and Alaric, knowing the plan, gave the witch Josie's biological mom's ring to use. The ring is silver, with a princess cut diamond in the middle, several smaller diamonds circle around the band of the ring. After they finished eating, Penelope got down on one knee and asked Josie to marry her. Of course Josie said yes, and they kissed, happy tears streaming down both of their faces.

When Hope proposed, she did it in front of their friends as Lizzie has always wanted a huge public proposal. Josie helped convince everyone to gather for a "party" while Penelope helped Hope find a good jeweler to resize the rose gold ring with an aquamarine gemstone in the middle, small diamonds on either side, which belonged to Hope's mother. Once everyone had gathered, including Caroline and Alaric, Hope dropped down on one knee and held out the ring. Lizzie said yes through her tears, and they kissed as the crowd cheered.


Laying in the tribrid's bed, her head on Hope's chest, Hope's arms wrapped around her, Lizzie raises her head and looks at Hope. The auburn haired tribrid stares back at her, transfixed by the blonde's beauty. Sometime Hope still can't believe Lizzie is going to be her wife.

"Hey Hopey?" Lizzie says, gazing deep into her fiance's ocean blue eyes.

"Yes, love?" Hope replies, tucking a lock of stray blonde hair behind Lizzie's ear.

"Can we have a double wedding with Jo and Penelope?" Lizzie asks.

"Of course. We'll have to ask them, but I'm sure your sister will want one too, and as for Penelope, Josie has her whipped," Hope chuckles.

Lizzie smiles and kisses Hope quickly before getting out of bed and putting her shoes on. Hope looks at her questioningly.

"Let's go ask then right now! They're in Penelope's room," Lizzie exclaims excitedly, having always wanted double wedding with her twin.

Hope chuckles, but slips her shoes on. Lizzie takes her hand and practically drags her to the raven haired witch's room. The door is open, and they find the couple snuggled on the bed.

"Hi Liz! Hi Hope!" Josie greets cheerfully.

"Hi Jo. Hope and I wanted to ask you two something," Lizzie replies as she and Hope sit on the foot of the bed.

"What is it?," Penelope asks.

"We were wondering if you would want to do a double wedding. Josie and I always talked about having one as kids, and well, I'd really like to do it if you two are okay with it," Lizzie inquires.

"Can we, Penny? It would be so romantic," Josie begs, giving Penelope her best puppy dog eyes.

"Of course. Hope, you okay with this?" Penelope nods.

"Yeah, I am. You guys are my family," Hope replies.

Josie squeals happily and throws her arms around Penelope, who chuckles and kisses her forehead. Lizzie beams at Hope, who smiles right back. This is happening. They are going to have a double wedding, and finally be married.


The day of the wedding comes quickly. It is a spring wedding, as none of the four girls wanted to wait any longer to be married. Hope's aunts have flown in for the wedding as well as Josie and Lizzie's aunt Bonnie. MG and Kaleb are the groomsmen, along with Pedro as the ring bearer. Jade and Wendy are the bridesmaids. They have recruited one of Pedro's friends, Emily, to be the flower girl. Alaric volunteered to officiate the ceremony.

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