Chapter Five: Packing and Heading Out

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"So that's wear my hoodie went," Penelope comments as she watches Josie pack an oversize hoodie into her bag.

"I didn't have the heart to throw it away when we broke up. Besides, it smells like you," Josie shrugs sadly. 

"Hey. None of that, baby. We're back together now, and I'll never ever leave you again," Penelope promises, heading over to the brunette and pulling Josie into her arms. 

"Good. Because if you leave me again, it won't just be your hair I set on fire," Josie replies, pecking Penelope's check.

"I would expect nothing less," Penelope smirks. 

"You go pack. You're distracting me," Josie tells Penelope.

"Alright, alright," Penelope smiles, leaving to go pack her own things. 

Lizzie comes into the room moments later.

"Hey Jo. I take it you're back with Penelope?" Lizzie asks her twin.

"You actually called her by her name," Josie comments, astonished.

"Don't get used to it. She's still Satan, but if you two are back together, I'll try to get along with her," Lizzie says, grabbing her suitcase and laying it flat on her bed.

"Yeah, we are. And thanks, Liz. It means a lot," Josie replies.

"Mm. She makes you so happy, and I won't stand in the way of that again," Lizzie murmurs, throwing some clothes into the suitcase. 

"She does. You feeling better after talking to Hope? I'm not above kicking her tribrid butt if she hurt you," Josie asks.

"Yes, much. He kissed her. We threatened Landon to stay the hell away from me and her," Lizzie informs the brunette. 

"Good. That was a jerk move on Landon's part. Everyone knows you two are together," Josie replies.

"She makes me happy, Jo. More than Rafael or MG ever did," Lizzie admits, folding some clothes to put in her suitcase.

"I'm glad you're happy, Liz. Hope's good for you. It took you two idiots quite some time to realize you liked each other, but you got there," Josie says.

The room falls into a comfortable silence as the girls pack their clothing and other necessities for the road trip. They finish and go off to check on their girlfriends to see if they're finished yet. Heading to Penelope's room, Josie knocks on the door. It swings open to reveal her girlfriend, who smiles lovingly at Josie. Josie's heart skips a beat, knowing that smile is reserved just for her. 

"Hi Penny," Josie greets.

"Hey baby. What are you doing here? I thought you were packing," Penelope asks. 

"I finished and decided I would come help you out. I've missed you," Josie explains, kissing Penelope's check.

"I've missed you too, Jojo," Penelope replies, smiling at the siphoner. 

Penelope continues to pack, heading to the closet to grab some clothes. Josie sits on the bed, watching the witch lovingly.

"What?" Penelope asks.

"You're so cute," Josie giggles.

"Why thank you, Jojo. You're pretty cute yourself," Penelope smiles.

She throws the pile of clothes on the bed and begins folding them. Josie grabs a shirt and begins folding as well. After all the clothes are folded, they place them in the suitcase. Penelope smirks mischievously at Josie before shutting the suitcase and placing it on the floor. Josie looks at the raven haired girl questioningly. Penelope leans over, and kisses Josie, gently pushing her so she is laying on her back. Josie tangles her hands through dark locks, smiling against Penelope's lips. After kissing for a while, Penelope rolls over and snuggles into Josie's side, her head on the siphoner's chest.

"I love you, Josie," Penelope says, cuddling further into Josie.

"I love you too, Penny. We're going to find a way to stop the merge, right?" Josie asks.

"Of course. We won't stop looking until we do. I promise," Penelope replies. 

Josie, satisfied for now, wraps her arms around Penelope, allowing herself to relax and just enjoy this peaceful time with her girlfriend before the road trip which she hopes will produce an answer for how to stop the merge. About thirty minutes later, Caroline knocks on the door. The girls sit up and look at the vampire.

"Hey girls. It's time. Grab your bags and meet me at the car," Caroline instructs.

"Okay, mom," Josie replies, kissing Penelope's head before heading to her bedroom to grab her suitcase. 

Penelope grabs her suitcase and follows Caroline to the car, where Alaric, Lizzie, and Hope are waiting. Hope and Lizzie are already in the car, hands clasped. Penelope loads her suitcase into the trunk and sits in the back row, nodding hello to Lizzie and Hope. Josie comes out soon after. She places her suitcase in the back and shuts the trunk before sitting next to Penelope, resting her head on the witch's shoulder. Caroline hops into the passenger seat and Alaric gets into the driver's seat. 

"Everybody ready?" Alaric asks.

Everyone nods, so he puts the keys in and starts the engine. The four girls and the two adults drive off, hoping that when they return to the school, they will have a way to ensure the merge does not occur.

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