Chapter Three: Morning Meeting and A Plan

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Josie's alarm goes off and she reaches blindly for it, hitting the snooze bar. She smiles as Penelope whines adorably, snuggling further into Josie's chest.

"Penny, baby. We have to get up. My dad wants everyone in his office by 7," Josie says softly, kissing the raven haired girl's head.

"No," Penelope pouts. 

"Penelope," Josie warns.

"No. Wanna cuddle with you," Penelope replies.

"Penelope Park, get your butt up this instant or no kisses for you for the rest of the day," Josie threatens. 

That gets Penelope right up and rushing to the shower, causing Josie to laugh.

"Not funny. You know I need kisses to function," comes Penelope's muffled reply.

Josie smiles to herself, so happy that Penelope is back in her life, and grabs her clothes for the day: a Salvatore navy sweater and matching plaid skirt. 

"Pen! Hurry up in there!" She calls, knocking on the bathroom door.

"Almost done, Jojo," Penelope says.

After a few more minutes, she comes out of the bathroom, her raven locks still slightly damp.

"Hey there," She smiles.

"Hi Penny," Josie says, kissing her quickly before heading into the bathroom to get showered and dressed herself. 

Penelope sits on her bed and laces up her boots as she waits for Josie. Josie soon comes out of the bathroom and slips her shoes on as well.

"Do I get my good morning kiss now?" Penelope asks.

"Of course you do," Josie replies, kissing Penelope lovingly but quickly, "Now, let's go"

Penelope nods and reaches out a hand, which Josie takes. The pair leave the witch's room and head towards Alaric's office. Josie knocks on the door and waits for a response.

"Come in," Alaric calls.

Penelope opens the door and holds it open for her girlfriend, who kisses her check as a thanks. The pair enter the office and take a seat on the empty spot on the couch, still holding hands.

Lizzie is cuddled into Hope's side, the auburn haired girl's arm around her shoulder. Caroline and Alaric are sitting in chairs

"Good morning Josie, Penelope," Caroline greets.

"Good morning, Ms. Forbes," Penelope replies.

"Hi mom," Josie says. 

"So, shall we begin?" Alaric asks, smiling at his daughters and their girlfriends.

"Sounds good," Hope replies, kissing Lizzie's temple. 

The tribrid is so worried about loosing her girlfriend, the one person she has ever truly been in love with. 

"Alright. So, I have traveled a lot looking for a solution, but none of them worked out. I do have one lead about a witch who lives alone in the middle of nowhere in Delaware who may know something," Caroline informs them.

"So we start there?" Josie asks, gripping Penelope's hand tightly, hoping this lead will pan out.

"Yes, Josie. We start there. Time for another road trip" Alaric states. 

"Sounds good to me, but no '100 Bottles of Beer on the Wall', daddy," Lizzie agrees.

"Fine, fine, but you have no taste in music, Lizzie," Alaric jokes. 

"Now that that's all worked out, we will leave tomorrow, so after classes, pack your bags. Off to breakfast and then class, girls," Caroline orders.

The girls all nod and get up, leaving the office and heading towards the dinning hall for some breakfast, determined, but nervous about the trip that will hopefully lead to a solution to the merge. 

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