Chapter 32

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Semi-final for the State Championship was easy for us. We won our game 4-1 and I've been awarded the play of the game award after my hat-trick. It's now State Final Day. Pressure is on but I'm confident. At the same moment, the Ravens are playing their first playoffs game with Dan has their coach. I'm sad I can't be there to encourage my friends, but soccer is way more important than a Ravens playoffs game. And, anyway, they said they will come to the end of my game. My parents are in the stand and I can hear my father scream my name every two minutes during the warm-ups.

            As we warm up, I see Julie looking super nervous. I walk to her with a bottle of water and hand it to her.

"Thanks, babe." She whispers almost without a sound.

"We're going to win. I promise." I tell her with a sincere smile.

"I know..." She sighs. "It's just my last game with our team, with you, and I don't know if I'm truly ready for it."

"You are, Julie." I make her look at me. "You're ready. You know it. Being scared is okay but something new is waiting for you. Something bigger, something better."

"I love you, Taylor." She kisses me passionately earning a loud whistle from the crowd. "Oops, forgot about them."

"Don't worry, I love you too." I chuckle and we head to our locker room.

            As pre-game celebration, the Tree Hill High School decides to offer a glory moment for all the last year girls. Since they won the first Soccer Championship and, to be honest, the only title in the history of the school, they all receive some flowers and a tour of honor. During those long minutes, I try to stay focus. I keep on thinking about our opponents' strengths and weaknesses.

"Ready, Harrison?" Coach Jones stands next to me.

"Always, Coach." I state.

"Win them another trophy, Taylor. They deserve it." He looks proudly at his girls.

"Will do." I smirk.

"And finally, our captain, playing with the number 29, awarded Player of The Year during the season, Golden Boot and Best Young Player of the League, please give a round of applause for Taylor Harrison!"

            The State Championship's commentator yell in his mic making the crowd cheer loudly. I hear my parents going nuts in the stand as I run on the field under Julie's proud look. She smiles widely to me as I make my way to her.

"Let's realize your last wish of the year." I smirk and she smiles.

            The game starts and I feel good and confident. The opponents are tough but clearly stressed by the entire event. They play hard and two of them get yellows early in the game forcing them to slow down a bit. That's when I decide to act. Julie has the ball in the middle of the field, I make a run behind the central back and she sends me a perfect ball. I control easily and run to the goal under the crowd cheering. I win my one-on-one with the keeper and put the ball in the goal. I run, do my backflip and turn to my team. All the girls are running to me excitedly.

            At the 39th minute, Julie is fouled hard near the penalty area. Fortunately, she is not injured. I take the ball and get ready to shoot. I see the keeper blind by her wall, and I decide to choose power and I send the ball in the net on the left side of the keeper. Julie jumps in my arms and kisses my hair.

"Ever told you you're the best?" She whispers making me smirk.

"Might have heard it once or twice."

            We keep on playing and during the second half, the other team manages to score a goal. From there, they put pressure on us, and we don't seem as confident as before. Our coach does some changes allowing us to get back in the game. At the 87th minute, our goalkeeper sends a long ball to let us breathe, but I take the opportunity to end the game. The defender thought I would stay behind as I did for the entire half. But, this time, I go straight to her pressuring her, she panics and tries to pass the ball to her goalkeeper who is not ready at all.  Julie sees what I'm doing and follows my lead. I manage to steal the ball and dribble the keeper. I run to the goal and wait for Julie to arrive. When she is near me, I pass the ball to her and she puts the ball in the net. She points at me with tears in her eyes, her first goal in a State Final. Our teammates jump on us because we are almost sure to win with this goal. Two minutes after that, the other team has a corner kick. All their players including their keeper are in our penalty area. Only one girl stays with me in the middle of the pitch. The ball flies to our box but our central back manages to send the ball towards me. I take it and push it in front of me running at full speed. The last defender is right behind me and no one is in goal. I look at the distance left before the penalty area. I can't make it. I think quickly and decide to shoot. The ball flies in the air, the time seems to stop, one bound, two bounds, the ball rolls slowly and ends up behind the goal line. The crowd erupts loudly, and I sprint to my coach jumping on him.

            Once the other team restarts the game, the referee blows the end of it. Julie runs to me and she is joined by our teammates who start to throw me in the air. We're State Champions. I hear Nathan, Lucas and the girls screaming my name on the side. I run to them.

"Tell me you guys won!" I say excitedly.

"Sorry, Soccer Star." Nathan frowns. "You're the only champion in here."

"I'm so sorry, guys." I hug them sadly.

"Go enjoy your victory." Lucas kisses my temple.

"Tay! Come on!" Julie yells at me.

            I wink to my friends and run to my girlfriend. We join our teammates, and the State people start their speeches and all. They give all the awards, our goalkeeper wins Best Goalkeeper of the Playoffs, our coach wins Best Coach of the State and then they announce something special.

"For the first year, we will give four Awards to the same player. Please welcome the player who wins MVP of the State Final, Best Young Player of the Playoffs, Best Player of the Playoffs and Golden Boot of the Playoffs. The captain and number 29 of the Tree Hill Ravens, Taylor Harrison!" The man says loudly.

            I walk to the stand under the cheering of the entire school. I blush slightly seeing everyone cheering for me, but then I see my parents crying and feel the tears climbing to my eyes. I receive the awards and a woman from the school tell me she is going to give them to my parents so I can go to my team and celebrate our title.

"And now, welcome the State Champions of the Year, the Tree Hill Ravens."

We all walk happily to the stand. I'm last since I'm the captain. I receive my medal and walk to the Trophy. I look at the Trophy and then, I look at Julie. I gesture for her to come near me. I take my armband off and put it on her arm.

"Go on, captain of my heart." I hug her. "This trophy is all yours, love."

"I love you." She whispers in my ear.

"I love you too."

            We look at each other for some long seconds before she finally grabs the trophy and puts it in the air making us all jump around her. We enjoy our night as a team and I end up in Julie's bedroom.

"Best last game possible." She lets herself fall on her bed.

"I agree." I smile and do the same.

"Let's make it the best night possible." She turns to me with a smirk.

"Wouldn't dream of more." I smirk back kissing her hungrily.

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