Chapter 8

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For the first time in months, I was not able to go to the Ravens' game because we had an away game again. We won by five goals, all from me. Guess we can celebrate it for real, and Nathan's party seems to be the perfect place to do so.

            I've helped Nathan with the entire organization, and it is now party time. Tim seems to be very upset. I laugh at his face and I swear he is almost crying.

"I swear he had a better angle, Taylor. I bet you could tell even if you weren't there." Tim explains.

"Sure thing, Tim. I believe you wouldn't do that to Nathan, right?" I tease.

"You're right, never ever." Tim leaves outside pointing at me.

            I chuckle and take a bottle in the fridge. Some people are there already, and the place starts to look like a real party. Suddenly, I see Nathan and Tim coming back followed by Peyton, Brooke, Haley and Lucas. Wait, Haley and Lucas? What the hell? As I make my way to Nathan to have some explanation, Theresa arrives with a Thud newspaper.

"Have you guys seen this?" She gives the paper to Brooke.

"The Highschool Fearleader? A comic strip." Brooke says and I can see Peyton tense a bit. "Wait, this is insulting, right?"

"My dog can draw better than this." Vegas says earning a laugh from Tim.

"Really, what guy keeps his hat on during sex?" Brooke asks and I hardly manage to prevent my chuckle from being heard. Nathan does that, at least after what Peyton told me. "Who is that Saki person, anyway?"

"Yeah, I wonder." I see Nathan glaring at Peyton.

"It's just a stupid comic strip. Who cares, right?" Peyton tries to light up the mood.

"I agree, let's just party." I try to help her.

"It's more like Sucky. Whoever it is, doesn't know the first thing about it." Brooke comments. "They make it seem so..."

"Shallow?" Lucas completes earning glares from absolutely everyone.

"Where's the keg?" Peyton leaves.

"Good first impression, Luke." I chuckle patting his shoulder and make my way to Nathan. "Care to explain it?"

"I swear I kept it on once only." Nathan whispers referring to the hat and I laugh at him. "What?"

"I was talking about Lucas and Haley being there, but I'll take that explanation too."

"Oh..." He looks down. "Well, I invited them."


"No reason." Nathan shrugs. "He's a part of the team, right?"

"Sure. Whatever you say, Superstar." I walk to the kitchen and everyone gathers to play some game.

"Lucas...." Brooke looks at him seductively. "Come play."

"What's the game?" Lucas asks.

"I never." Brooke answers.

"And yet, apparently, you have." Vegas jokes as I'm giving Lucas a drink.

"Shut up, Vegas." Brooke laughs it off.

            Nathan tells the rules to his brother who seems to know it all already. Then, it's Theresa's turn and obviously she goes dirty already.

"I've never had sex with anything made out of plastic." She looks at Brooke knowingly who is forced to drink.

"Okay, my turn." Brooke thinks. "I've never... No, I did that..."

"I've got one." I say with a smirk. "I've never been caught during sex."

"You're so unfair, Taylor." Brooke pouts and I laugh at her remembering the story she told me.

"I swear this game is more "try to find what Brooke Davis has never done" than anything else." I make the table laugh once again.

"Alright, my turn." Nathan says and I can tell this is not going well. "I've never had a dad that wished I was a stain on the bed sheets."

            Bad one. But it makes Tim laugh. Of course, jerk. Lucas glares at Nathan and everyone seems suddenly very uncomfortable. Lucas leaves the table with a private comment to Nathan which makes Peyton and Brooke look upset. I decide to leave the table too, showing Nathan I don't stand his shit.

            As I try to find an empty bathroom, I find Peyton waiting a glass in hand.

"Rough night seeing your boyfriend being a jerk?" I sigh and lean against the wall.

"I don't know why he is being so hard on Lucas." Peyton looks at me sadly.

"He is mad and try to find someone to blame for it." I say to her.

"Why did he invite Lucas and the tutor girl?"

"You know about it?" I frown.

"Of course, you know he tells me everything." Peyton states. "He said you helped him."

"Haley is a friend of mine. She's the best, if he wants to improve for real, she's the one he needs." I explain.

"What if he just wants to fuck around and play some joke on Lucas?"

"He must not or else I'll be the one on his back." I say and the bathroom's door opens revealing Haley. "Thanks, I'm next." I jump in the room letting Peyton and Haley talk.

I pee and then my way to the party finding Brooke all alone in the kitchen. I walk behind her and make myself noticed.

"No dancing tonight?" I tease.

"You're barely around and Lucas is nowhere to be seen. This party sucks." She drinks up.

"So, what's your plan?" I chuckle at her tipsy look.

"Drink as much as I can so one of you start to actually care about me." She is honest at least.

"I care about you Brooke, but this is not my favorite Brooke to be around." I state.

"Which one is?" She looks at me with her excited child face.

"Sleepy and cuddly Brooke is the best." I whisper in her ear as she leans against me.

"You like the boring me?" Brooke tries to understand.

"You could never be boring to me, B. Davis." I kiss her temple.

"I'll marry you one day, Harrison." She kisses my cheek.

            Our moment is stopped as we hear a woman talk on TV. We walk to the living room and I immediately recognize Dan and Karen on tape. Nathan seems happy with himself while Lucas is standing there with tears in his eyes. Brooke makes a comment on Karen's hair and I glare at her. She doesn't seem to understand but Peyton surely does.

"Who's the girl?" Tim asks.

"It's my mom." Lucas realizes.

"At least, her dreams came true for one of them." Nathan smirks.

"Except for the happy part, right?" Lucas glares at Nathan.

            Then he leaves and pushes Nathan against the wall which makes Nathan chuckle. What a gigantic jerk. He laughs with Tim and Vegas before turning his head to me and Peyton. I can't stand him tonight and he needs to know. As he pushes himself off the wall, I walk to him and push him back hardly.

"You deserve nothing else than that tonight, Nate." I look at him and he seems upset.

"Why are you even mad at me?" He asks.

"Not mad, Nate. Disappointed." I state. "And yes, it is worse. Don't talk to me again unless you decided to grow up for once."

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