Chapter 29

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I'm going out of the soccer practice and I see Nathan and Haley walking to me. I chuckle looking at them this happy.

"Hey friend." Haley smiles widely.

"Hey lovebirds." I smile back. "What's up?"

"We're hosting this low-key party on Saturday night, are you interested?" Haley asks. "You can bring Julie, of course." She adds when Julie puts her arm around my shoulder.

"Well look at that." I chuckle. "Nathan's in love and Haley's a party girl. Everything happens."

"Jerk." Nathan laughs.

"What do you say, babe?" I look at Julie. "Interested in some low-key party?"

"Of course." She kisses my cheek. "As long as I have to spend time with my girl."

"Then, it settles." I smile. "We'll be here."

            The party time arrives, and I'm dressed up nicely. It's one of my last nights with Julie and I want to make the most of it. When I see my girlfriend coming out of her house, my jaw drops slightly.

"Be careful, love. You might catch a fly." Julie smirks.

"I... You... Wow." I blush.

"Thanks, babe, you look wow too." She giggles and kisses my cheek.

"You know Haley said it's going to be low-key, right?"

"Well, I don't think it will be. Half the team is going, and all the people in my class heard about it." Julie explains.

"Oh... Nathan won't like that." I frown.

"It might be fun." Julie shrugs happily. "And, if it sucks, I've got something planned for us."

"Really?" I smirk.

"Yeah, you will love it." She smirks back.

"I hope this party will suck." I happily state.

"Dork." My girlfriend chuckles and takes my hand in hers.

"You love me." I cockily comment.

"Sure thing, I do." She leans in and kisses me sweetly.

            I drive us to Nathan's apartment, and as Julie thought, this is not low-key at all. We walk to the door and I quickly spot Peyton, Lucas and Haley standing in the middle of the apartment.

"Low-key, huh?" I tease.

"Shut up, Harrison. Tim has invited half of the school." Haley seems lost.

"Are you going to be okay?" I look at her with concern.

"Yeah, go have fun." She smiles. "You guys look awesome."

"Thanks." I smile looking at Julie who puts me closer to her protectively.

"Sorry, I'm late." Brooke says making us all turn to her. "Hope nobody minds, but I brought a friend."

            Nicki appears behind Brooke, and I tense quickly. Julie acknowledges it and kisses my temple to calm me down.

"Let the games begin." Nicki says smirking to Brooke.

"Great." I growl. "Just great. I need a drink." I walk to the bar.

"What's up?" Peyton and Julie follow me. "Do you know her?"

"Jake's ex, Jenny's mother. She is a bitch, a real bitch. I hate her." I take a shot quickly.

"I agree." Peyton drinks too.

"Why did Brooke bring her?" Julie frowns.

"Revenge." Peyton shrugs.

"Oh, God." Julie rolls her eyes. "Tay, promise me you won't let them ruin our night."

"I promise, love." I take one last shot. "I have better things to do. Let's dance, shall we?"

            Julie giggles and follows me. We dance for a while joined by some of our soccer friends. I try not to care too much about Brooke and Nicki fucking things up. But then, I see Nicki jumping on Peyton and they start to fight. They break a window and a table; they are throwing punches at each other making me furious.

"Babe." I whisper to Julie. "Get me out of here. This party officially sucks."

"Let's go." Julie takes my hand and leads me outside.

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