Chapter 7

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I walk peacefully near Karen's Café when I'm attacked by a tornado. Haley James herself.

"What is wrong with you?" Haley screams at me.

"What the hell, Haley? What did I do?" I look at her with wide eyes.

"Designating me as Nathan's tutor!" Haley shouts. "And don't pretend you didn't, I recognize your writing, Taylor."

"Sorry, Haley. I should have told you first but you're the best tutor in town." I sigh. "He is failing big time, Haley. I can't let him down and I know you can help him."

"What about Lucas?" Haley asks.

"I know it's not easy for you. I don't want to you to be caught between two sides of an endless war but I'm just trying to save my best friend's ass." I scratch the back of my head.

"Is he worthy?" Haley asks.

"I won't give up on him." I state. "I know the good sides of Nathan Scott and they are worthy for sure, but it won't be easy, Haley. I don't exactly know what his true intentions are, but I know you can change them."

"Let me think about it, first." Haley calms down.

"I'm very sorry, Hales." I sigh.

"Don't worry. It'll be fine."

            Two days later, I see someone waiting for me in front of my house. I go downstairs and open the door.

"Hales?" I ask seeing the girl outside. "It's like 10 pm or something, what are you doing here?"

"I need advice." She states.

"Come in. What do you need me to do?" I chuckle.

"Well, if you knew you could help Nathan by doing something, he would truly dislike, would you do it?" Haley looks at the floor.

"Is this about tutoring Nathan?" I sit on my couch and Haley does the same.

"Yes... I'm considering it but I'm scared Lucas would hate me."

"See, there is a thing called instinct. At first, I was not happy about Nathan asking you as his tutor but then I had this feeling it is what is best for him. I know you can feel those things too, Haley. If your mind screams to go, then go. If your mind screams to back up, then back up. No matter what you choose it'll be your decision at the end of the day. And if you need an excuse to explain to Lucas why you did it, use me. He knows you can't really resist my wonderful charm." I playfully smirk and she hits my shoulder.

"Jerk. See, Nathan gave you his ways." Haley jokes.

"Who said I hadn't had them before him?" I smirk.

"You're the worst." She smiles. "But thank you, I guess I needed that."

"I'm here for you, Hales." I smile and she hugs me.

"Thanks, T."

            The night of the Burning Boat arrives quickly, and I drive there with Peyton, Nathan, Brooke and Tim. It's been some time since we have all hang out together. We are listening to Whitey's speech and I look at the boat sadly.

"Are you okay, babe?" Brooke whispers in my ear.

"Yeah, very fine." I lie.

"I'll pretend I haven't heard that lie and I'm going to hit on Lucas." She winks at me.

"Go for it, baby." I smile to her.

"Calling her baby and letting her go to Lucas?" Nathan asks hugging me from behind. "What's the deal?"

"Nothing, Nate. It's just a nickname and she is truly happy for once." I say as we look at Brooke and Lucas. "I can't take it away from her."

"You're the nicer person I know, Tay, but you should think about your happiness a little more." Nathan kisses my temple.

"Yeah..." I whisper weakly.

"Also, I don't know what you said to the Haley girl, but she accepted to help me, so thank you for that too." He whispers in my ear, so people won't ear.

"I'm trying to help. Don't mess it up, Nathan. She might change your life." I say and he seems in his thoughts for a moment as we watch the fire.

"Did you burn something this year?" He asks.

"Yeah, memories." I sigh and decide to leave the crowd, but someone takes my hand.

"You're sure you're good?" Peyton asks concerned.

"Don't worry about me." I smile to her. "Enjoy your night." I kiss her hand as they do in old films and leave for real. My happy memories are gone and so I am.

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