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"Orin. I knew when I sent him it would not be easy to find you but three months is a bit more time then I was counting on." I couldn't help the smile at seeing him.

"Altair." Bruce grabs my arm disbelief and anger on his face.

"A male?"

"You gave your word not to interfere. We'll discuss it later. Just stand here and shut up." I tell him jerking my arm from him. Turning back Altair is sitting up and frowning. I go over and go to one knee.

"While I'm happy to be sent for, for any reason, I'm curious as to why you have." he was beautiful. The sun shining in the window made him seem to sparkle. He takes a breath, stands letting the furs slip down his body. I just stare.

"As you can see, I'm pregnant. I wasn't so far along when I got here. As I said I wasn't expecting it to take quite so long." he looked at the guard.

"It's a very common name." he says. I lift a hand but hesitate. Would he let me touch him? His hand went to mine and guided it to his large stomach. Though even as large as he was I could still palm his stomach.

"To my knowledge no elf has ever born a half Orc child. They'll be unique, truly. I was home before I realized I was pregnant. I had to be rather truthful with my father about why I was turning around and leaving again. I was ordered to bring you back with me. Two months to get here and three months to wait for you. I am just at half way through. Another six months to the birth." twelve months. Longer than a nine month human, shorter than the full eighteen month year for an Orc.

"Have you had any trouble?" I ask him.

"No. I've been extra tired but that hasn't been truly trouble. My father wasn't pleased when he found out who the father was." Altair looked at Bruce. "Though it seems your family isn't so happy either. Is it just that I am male that offends you or that I am Elvish as well?" he asks Bruce. Bruce growled.

"Both. Damn elves. How could you fuck one of them? An Elf at all but a male one?" the disgust on his face said it all. I stood my arms going around Altair.

"You can tell father I won't be coming home so he doesn't have to worry about the dishonor on the family."

"You are going home with him?" Bruce asks. He still couldn't believe any of this.

"I was ordered to bring him with me." Altair says

"He's pregnant with my child of course I'm going home with him. Lets be clear brother, my tastes have always run to males. While you and most find them arrogant and not worth anything I found them beautiful. How our relationship became is our business. Feel free to go home and let them know what a waste and dishonor I am. I'll never darken their doorstep again."

"Like hell. I'm not letting you go up there with him. For all you now they are pissed because you soiled one of their precious sons and are going to behead you." I snorted. Looking at Altair I smile.

"I doubt they'll do that?" he smiled.

"If my father can not condone this we'll both be cast out of his home and we'll have to make our way in life on our own."

"I've plenty of skills no worries about that. Think your father will?"

"I'm unsure he was angry with me but it seemed as though he was more upset that I was not mated first. This child will not be illegitimate even if we mate now. Though in our culture it's not as worried about as it once was. But that assumes you want to mate with me." I bent and kissed him lightly.

"You bet I do." have him for all my life. A wish I'd never dared to really make. Bruce grunts. Looking at him I see his lip curled. I sighed.

"If you are going to travel with us then you better stop that or I'll tie your ass up and leave it here." he sighs and smooths out his face.

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