Chapter 2 - I Promise You I Will Come Play With You Another Day

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I saw an angel. The wings were the only thing missing for her to be a true angel.

I approached her and said "I can take her if you want now" "Ok" she said and I almost couldn't hear her.

I as soon as I started lifting Karina from Jennie's embrace when she moved. I stopped lifting her. "It's ok I can take her to the car" Jennie said and smiled. I nodded.

She got up with karina and I putted my jacket in jennie shoulders and karina jacket covering her back.

When we got to the car I realized it would be hard to put karina in her sit because it was in the back sit in the middle (Why Kai why) [because I can and in that seat my daughter can see the road in front and I can watch her through the mirror] (ohhh you are smart after all) [🙄].

When Jennie realized it would be hard she said "How do I put her in her sit?...." "I don't know 😅" I said. She entered my car and was about to put Karina in her sit guess what....she started moving again. "Ok I won't be able to put her in the chair because she will wake up" Jennie said "Do you mind.... Carry her on your lap till we get to my house?😅" I said stoping a dew seconds in the middle "No, it's ok." Jennie replied.

I entered my car and drove to my house. During the drive Jennie didn't say a word so I tried the small talk. "So... Your new album is coming soon..." "Yes it is" she said 'ok that didn't work' I thought to myself.

We got there fast. I parked the car, got out and then opened her door. We entered the house and I guided her to Karina's room in the top floor and putted her in her bed.

We went downstairs and sited on the couch in the living room. After we talked for 30min straight I got up and grabbed 2 champagne cups and a bottle of Armand de Brignac Blanc ace of spades champagne. I sited down again and filled the cups, I handed one to Jennie and then drinked mine. We continued to talk and drink.

A few hours later

The bottle was already empty. "I think I am going now" Jennie said getting up and almost falling on the groud. I held for her not to fall "I think you should stay here tonight. You are drunk. And your car isn't here remember" I said in calm voice.

I could take well the alcohol but it seems like Jennie couldn't. "Ok BuT oNlY iF I cAn SlEeP nExT tO yOu" She said with the most drunk voice ever. "Ok" I said containing myself from laughing.

She let go off me and walked to the stairs. I followed her. I held her arm this time but she almost hitted me for doing that. She started going up the stairs with one hand on the handrail and I was right next to her.

Four steps were enough to make her fall. "awww" She stumbled on the heels and fell hurting her knee. I lifted her in my arms and took her to the bathroom on the top floor.

I sitted her in the sink and grabbed the first aid kit. While I cleaned the wound she whined.

After that I took her to my bedroom and gave her one of my t-shirts and sweatpants. I got out of the room to give her privacy.

After a few minutes I entered the room to find Jennie already sleeping.

I giggled at her and then prepared myself for sleep. I laid next to her and admired her beauty till I fell asleep.


Next morning

I woke up in a bedroom and with clothes that weren't mine. (lol girl) [shut up🙄] (do you see this, the characters boss more in me then I do in them *pft*).

And theeeen I remembered what happened last night. 'Did I really got that drunk? F*ckkk eh the champagne was good tho' I thought.

I went down the stairs and I found Kai with just sweatpants doing pancakes and and Karina eating them like there was no tomorrow.

"Good morning Jennie" Karina said "Morning cutie" I replied "Good morning" Kai said and if I could I would throw myself off a cliff.

"Come and sit here with me and Appa eating pancakes" Said Karina with a smile on her face. I sitted next to her and looked at Kai.

I ate the pancakes and then headed to Kai's room. I dressed the clothes I was wearing the day before and fixed my hair a little.

When I got out of the room Karina was at the door "oh shi- you scared me" I said "Jennie can you help me choose pretty clothes to go to Appa's awards" after that words it hitted me. Today was the golden disc awards. 'what time is it? 10am. F****ck I should be already there for the rehearsal. F*ck Jisoo is going to kill me.' I thought.

"I can't cutie I gotta go now am super super late where is your dad?" I asked her "I think he is down stairs cleaning the kitchen" Karina answered with a sad face "Don't be sad kiddo I promise you I will come play with you another day" I said "Ok" she said a little more happy.

I went down the stairs and Kai was cleaning the kitchen. "Kai I have to go now I am super late bye" I said "But are you going without your car." He replied.

'F*ck I am already dead and buried by the time I get there' I thought.

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