Start from the beginning

        Looking up at them all, Peter revealed, "We've got a problem. Big problem."

        Foster looked up, her eyes falling upon Ethan and Aiden conjoined together into voltron wolf, the monstrous creature out letting out a rumbling growl, it shaking her to the bone.

        "You have got to be kidding me," she muttered, Foster realizing that this night was getting uglier than she initially anticipated. She expected it to be only Jennifer trying wreck havoc, but no, the alpha pack decided that they wanted to get in on the action. How peachy.

        In a matter of seconds, Derek's cheeks are puffed with fur, his fangs barred together. From beside her, Scott was shifting, Derek taking off toward the twins in preparation for battle. His arms were wrapped around their waist, shoving them back with a growl. 

        The twins were quick to respond, slamming their elbow straight into Derek's back. Derek stumbles back, jabbing his fist into their gut, it not fazing them in the slightest. They then proceeded to grab the back of Derek's head, slamming their fist into his face repeatedly.

        It was then when Scott let out a growl from beside Foster, taking off in pursuit of the twins. Stiles and Foster were stationed beside one another, watching in anticipation, Stiles holding his bat out in order to protect themselves. 

        The twins then slammed Derek against the wall, now beginning to face off Scott. Scott launched himself at the wall, jumping off of it and soaring down toward the voltron wolf. He swiped at them, the twins dodging with ease. 

        Stiles then looked toward Peter, ordering, "Help me." With that, he looked toward Foster, holding that bat out toward her, "Take this."

        "What?" she questioned, the two quickly taking down the hallway toward Cora. "Stiles, wait!"

        But he was already gone. It was then when the twins wrapped their hands around Scott's neck, cutting off his airways as they hold him up against the wall. Foster's face immediately hardened, her hands gripping around the neck of the bat tightly.

        "Ethan, Aiden, stop," Scott struggled to grit out, the twins not loosening their grip.

        "All we want is her," they growled out, Foster feeling a look of determination cross her face.

        It was then when she stormed over toward the twins, all of the pent up anger that's built up inside her ever since they arrived here finally spilling out. With a grunt, she turned the bat, allowing the end up it to slam against their head. Rather than hitting it like a baseball, she turned it so that the tip of it slammed against their temple, causing them to stumble away from Scott. 

        They looked toward her in shock, Scott falling down to the ground. And then she pulled the one move that's so simply yet quite effective, she jammed the sole of her foot into their balls. And like every boy, they staggered back with an expression of pain.

        Even voltron wolves have their weaknesses.

        "Find another werewolf to fuck with," she snapped, the sound of the elevator chiming stealing her attention. 

        Her, Derek, Stiles, and the twins turned to looked down the hallway, Jennifer Blake standing in the elevator as the doors slowly sealed shut, the twins barreling down the hallway.

        Without wasting time, Foster turned to face Scott, extending her hand and helping the werewolf up. His hand tightened around hers, Foster looking down toward Peter who's scooping Cora up in his arms.

Eye of the Hurricane ▸ Scott McCall (2)Where stories live. Discover now