👻 Casper x Borrower 👻

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Casper (The movie)

Thanks for requesting addyappleday

It was pouring pretty hard. I'm running under bushes, and using fallen leaves like umbrellas, trying not to get too wet, though my stuff and I are already soaked. The storm just started, and it looks like its just gonna get worse.

I keep running, trying to find shelter, having no luck. Lightning strikes, a second later I hear the thunder.


As soon as it does, I feel myself start to cry, so I stop and take a break under a close by bush.

"Why does it have to storm? Why does the world hate me??" I start to hiccup, as the tears fall.

I try wiping the tears away, but it makes no differnce since it's just blending in with the water dripping off of me. I look up, and see a huge house-castle thing a short distance away. My hope skyrockets and the adrenaline from the situation kicks in. I start running as fast as I can towards the building.

I make it and start looking around for a way in. After a few minutes of looking I find no cracks or openings of any kind. For a old looking building, it's in pretty good shape.

I start to feel my hope die down when I look up and see one of the windows cracked open by the smallest amount. My eyes widen. I start climbing the wall, hoping not to lose my footing and fall. I make it right by the window and push it open a bit more, then I quicky crawl through.

I look at my surroundings and see the window lead me to a kitchen. Is my luck finally looking up? I stand up, jump to the counter, and walk forward til I'm at the edge. It's warm. "It feels nice to finally be out of the rain."


I jump and feel my feet slip out from under me. Falling down to the ground, I let out a pretty loud scream. I hit the ground and cry out from the pain.

I stay laying down for a moment trying to get my bearings, when I hear some yelling. It's getting louder. Closer. "Oh no." My eyes widen.

I get up and run under the table, hiding behind one of the legs. A few second later, I hear the yelling enter the room, but don't hear the door open. My eyebrows furrow. I peek out to watch the beans only to see them pale, and floating. I think other beans have called these things 'ghosts' and are terrified of them.

There were four of them. A fat one with a deep voice, a skinny short one that has stink lines somehow, a skinny tall one with an annoying voice, and the last one is the smallest with blue eyes.

The three bigger ones are arguing about the scream I let out, saying how someone must've broken in, and how they were gonna scare whoever did. The small one was quietly standing by listening and looking around for whoever could've entered, butting into their conversation every so often saying they didn't have to scare the intruder.

I can feel myself start to panic.

I look down at my hands and see them shaking. My heart is racing and my mind starts going in a million different directions.

I start hyperventilating.

'If beans are scared of ghosts, then what awful things do they do? Are they going to hurt me? Of course they are. They're all the same. Beans and bean ghosts are the same.' I close my eyes, 'Please. Please be a dream. I don't want to die.'

I start crying again, but cover my mouth so I can't be heard. I reopen my eyes and stare back at the ghosts, and wait till I can leave. The rain is probably better than whatever they have in store for me.

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