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I woke up at about 4am, my thoughts hitting me like a train. I rolled over, realizing it was only y/n and I in our bedroom.

'emily must have left, it is hard having three people crammed into one bed' I thought

I faced the window in our bedroom. It looked out over the city, a gorgeous view for an apartment. It was too early to get up, so I laid there for what seemed like hours. I watched the sunrise, the colors of orange and pink spreading across the horizon. There were no clouds in the sky, making it a million times more perfect.

After the clock hit 9am, I realized I had been laying there for about five hours. I felt an arm wrap around my waist, making tears prick at the corners of my eyes.

"Good morning baby," I heard y/n say as she nuzzled her face into my neck. All I could respond with was sniffles, prompting her to sit up.

"Baby what's wrong?" She asked, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I don't know," I whispered, turning to lay on my back.

"Hey, that's okay. It's okay to not know why we're not okay. Come lay here with me, we don't have to get up anytime soon."

I nodded, moving over and placing my head on her chest. I wrapped my arms around her torso, practically on top of her. She ran her hands through my hair, wiping the tears that fell with her thumb.

"It's okay baby. I'm right here, and I'm not leaving anytime soon. I love you so much, and when I love someone I never let them go no matter how hard they try to run away. You're stuck with me, and I'm gonna make sure you are okay. If you aren't perfectly okay 100% of the time, that's more than okay. People aren't meant to be okay 100% of the time, which is why we have little breakdowns here and there. Or, we could have big breakdowns and change our appearances which probably isn't the best idea so let's stick to the little ones," she said, smiling and kissing the top of my head. I laughed, which made her giggle.

"What would I do without you my love," I said, looking up at her and kissing her.

"I have no idea. Without me, you would be a wreck," she said, laughing again. She kissed my nose and I blushed. She really is the perfect girl.

"Breakfast?" I asked.

"As long as we make it together," she said.

"Deal," I said, rolling off of her and planting my feet on the floor. I stood up and walked over to the kitchen, y/n right behind me. I stopped at the kitchen counter, seeing that there was a note. My abrupt stop made y/n run into me, eventually making her land a harsh slap on my ass. I jumped, and she laughed.

"What was that for?" I asked, making my best pouty face. It didn't work, y/n's smile was contagious.

"I don't know, you looked like you needed it."

to: jj and y/n

hey you two:) sorry i left in the middle of the night, i was called into something and i didn't want to wake you guys up. hope you slept well, see you monday.



I handed the note to y/n so she could read it as I walked to the cupboard to grab the pancake mix. Y/n checked her phone in case she needed to leave, and thankfully she didn't.

I pulled out a bowl to mix the ingredients while y/n grabbed the eggs from the fridge. We put the ingredients into the bowl, refraining from throwing the pancake powder mix at each other.

"You know, we could just clean it up later," y/n pouted, holding the bag of powder.

"Nice try baby. That stuff gets everywhere, it's like glitter," I said, waving the clean whisk at her.

"Fine," She said, putting the bag back into the box.

We eventually finished making the batter. I grabbed a pan and put it onto the stove, instructing y/n to bring the batter over.

"Yes ma'am," she said, scurrying around the tiny kitchen.

I scoffed, spraying the pan with coconut oil so the pancakes don't stick. Y/n poured the batter into small circles on the pan, spacing them out so they didn't get connected. While she was doing that, I grabbed a spatula to flip them. Once the batter started to bubble on one side, I flipped it so that side could cook. At one point, y/n had come up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist. Her head rested on my shoulder, watching me make the food.

"You're cute," She said, kissing my ear. I blushed, knowing better than to argue with her.

"So are you baby," I said, flipping the last pancake. Y/n let go and grabbed some plates and the syrup from the fridge. Some fruit was already out because I used them to make blueberry pancakes.

We each took two pancakes, placing fruit on top and then drizzling syrup. We grabbed forks and moved over to the couch, sitting down right next to each other.

"Movie?" Y/n asked, grabbing the remote.

"Sure," I said, taking a bite of my food. She flipped through the channels for a little bit until she landed on the movie The Sound of Music.

"Does this work?" She asked, looking over.

"Truthfully, I've never seen it," I said sheepishly. Y/n feigned offense, placing her hand over her heart and gasping.

"Say it ain't so," she said.

"It is, but I think it's on Amazon so we can watch the whole thing," I said.

"Yay!" y/n exclaimed, switching over to Amazon to hunt for the musical. I smiled, watching her so excited for a movie.

"You know, my choir sang an arrangement of a few songs from this musical for our spring concert my sophomore year," y/n said, still hunting for the movie.

"You were in choir in high school? How come you've never told me?" I asked.

"I never thought it was important," she said, looking over at me.

"Well if you were in choir that means you must be a good singer," I said.

"Not necessarily," she said, laughing.

"Come on, I'm sure you sound great. Sing something for me, please?" I asked, looking over at her.

"Maybe later. I would have to warm up my voice first so I don't damage anything," she said, clicking on the musical and setting down the remote.

"Deal," I said. 

We both finished our breakfast, setting down the plates on the table in front of us. I waited for my food to digest a little longer before laying my head down on y/n's lap. She mindlessly played with my hair, us both entranced in the movie displayed before us.


this is definitely a filler chapter oops but i wanted some soft jj and y/n so here it is hehe

alsoooo i got an 89 on my honors chem exam i say thats pretty good

but im hoping to finish this fic up pretty soon, i'm not sure exactly how long it'll be but i will let you all know when the end is near

remember to eat a lil sum, drink some water and remember ily:)

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