4 - 4th of July

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This is where they got dressed in weird costumes and stuff so I have decided to got with 4th of July as I had no clue what was Happening..

It has been a week since what your mother said and you have been a bit more distant and you kept working your butt off. Dishes, shopping, cooking, homework, cleaning, helping Grayer with mostly everything and having no sleep at all is killing you slowly. I stole my mother's concealer that she doesn't use to cover up the bags under my eyes.

Both my parents, Grayer and Annie were out getting costumes for this 4th of July party. Surprise Surprise I'm not going. You didn't care though it was boring anyway. Once you heard the front door open you sped to your room. Quietly as you could you closed the door and hid every single piece of homework.

"Charlie!!" Grayer bounded in. "I hate my outfit and it's itchy." He pouted. "Sorry bud I can't do anything about that." He huffed and walked off. "Hey Char." Annie said gently taking a seat beside me and began stroking my hair. "Hi Annie." She smiled and hugged you. You liked this. "You need to stop overworking yourself." She whispered. "Am not" you huffed. She laughed and pecked your forehead. "Well I just wanted to see if you were okay." You nodded. "I'm fine thanks what about you?" You leaned back into her. She sighed and ran her fingers through your hair. "I have got to wear an itchy dress and its big." She crunched her nose up. I giggled. "Let's go play a game." Annie said still stroking your hair. "I wou-" She cut you off. "It wasn't an option." Then you were lifted up. "So I'm not allowed to walk?" You asked her. She laughed and continued walking.

She got to the kitchen and set you on the counter. "So what game are we playing?" As you looked over the board games. "Anyone you want." "Uno?" She nodded. You played a few rounds when they door opened. "Charlotte why aren't you doing homework?" She screeched. "I umm" "SPIT IT OUT!" Your father yelled. "You know what never mind I don't wanna hear it." He said and walked off with the mother. "WERE GOING OUT!" Then left.

You didn't realise you were crying until Annie lifted you to put you on her lap. You responded by wrapping arms around her neck and sobbing into her shoulder. "Why do they- they hate m-me" You asked between sobs. "I don't know sweetie, I wish I did." She hugged you close. "Maybe we should take a nap." She stated. You shook your head. You were never allowed to take naps. "No I'm not allowed." She continued to carry you to your room. "They aren't here are they? I will wake you up when they get back or if I'm in need of some desperate help." You giggled through your cries. She tucked you in and kissed your forehead. "Sleep Char." You nodded.

Annie stayed with you until you fell asleep. She got up to do some jobs. When she heard the front door open she dashed to your room and woke you up. "Come Char wake up." She whispered. "Sorry sweetie their here." She said gently pushing strands of hair out your face. You nodded and rubbed your eyes. She smiled at you and left. You brushed your hair and straightened out your clothes. "Charlotte!" You rushed over. "Yes mother?" "You will be attending the party also but you will where your blue dress got it?" You nodded. "Yes mother." She walked off and internally groaned. You don't like that party.

You walked to the kitchen to be met with a smiling Annie. "I heard you were coming to the party with us?" You nodded and smiled. You guess it won't be that bad if Grayer and Annie were there. "Yep" She smiled. "That's good." You nodded. "What are we cooking?" She laughed. "You mean what am I cooking?" You nodded. "Mince and tatties." You nodded. You sat at the counter. "And you missy aren't helping before you ask. You need to take a break." She tickled your sides and you burst out into a fit of giggles. You nodded.

After dinner you showered and went to bed. You went back to doing homework though. Then it started to rain badly. Then the lighting came and then thunder. No no no I hate thunder. (You have a fear of thunderstorms) "deep breaths Charlotte deep breaths" you whispered to yourself. Grayer liked thunderstorms he said they are loud like dinosaurs. You tried to calm down and it wasn't working as the storm got worse.

Your breaths became gasps for air. You were now somehow in the corner of your room in a ball form. You saw a pair of feet heading towards you. They lifted you up and put you in their lap. "Shhh it's okay, I'm here, I'm right here Char." Annie said gently rocking you back and forth and rubbed ok your back. You calmed down till you were crying and whimpering. "Sorry Annie." You whimpered. "No it's okay Char, are you scared?" She asked you still rocking you. You nodded and jumped when the thunder kept going. You pushed yourself into Annie more. "I'm here Char but you gotta go sleep eventually." She picked you up and set you down on the bed but you just clung onto her. She laughed and layer down with you. "Can you stay with me? Please." You whispered. "Of course Sweetie." She kissed your head and lulled you to sleep.

You woke up with your head tucked in a neck. You looked up to find Annie smiling at you. "Morning sleepyhead." You put your head back in the crook of her neck. "Char, we got to get up, we have that party you know?" She stroked the girls hair. You nodded and rubbed your eyes. Annie sat up you still on her. You pulled back a bit to see her smiling down at you. You got up and went to the bathroom and had a shower and got dressed. Your hair was curled and you were wearing a normal blue dress. You went back to your room to find Annie waiting for you with Grayer in their outfits. You burst out laughing. "Not funny Charlie." My brother grumbled. You stopped laughing. "Kind of is. I was just expecting a suit and a dress." Annie playfully rolled her eyes. "LETS GO!!" Father shouted. You all liked in the car. (Just pretend there is a seat in front in the middle) Mother, father and Grayer went in the back. I was in between Annie and the driver. "Oh wait I forgot something, Charlotte please go get my purse." You nodded and got out the car.

You ran upstairs grabbed her purse and came down to find them gone. You sighed. You walked over to the party. You got there and Annie and your brother was waiting outside for you. "Oh thank god. I did tell th-" I shook my head. "I didn't mind actually." You smiled. She nodded. "Let's go find your mother" She took Grayers hand and you grabbed the other. You gave your mother the purse and she thanked you and walked off. The three of you sat down bored out of your minds. Until it was time to go home.

Once you got home Grayer was in bed and you surprisingly finished all the homework (it's a weekend btw) and you went to bed too. Annie came in to say good night and kissed your forehead and closed the door behind her. Then you realised.. It's Monday tomorrow. School. You groaned and fell asleep.

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