Part I

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"WHAT!" I yelled out in protest.

"You heard me. You're going to UA." I heard Shiggy repeat. Me going to UA. I'm a villain I cant be going to a hero school. "Look Y/N think of how good it would be if we had someone on our side also on the inside of UA. Think about it you could destroy All Might if this plan works." That was my goal. I wanted to destroy the so-called symbol of peace after what he did to my parents but did, I really want to play hero. Was it worth the risk?

"Why cant toga go? Why me?" I asked, still trying. Shiggy had his mind set on this and usually you cant persuade him.

"Toga would be easily recognised; besides, you've been doing this little scam since you were young. Gathering any information on the pro heroes that you could. You even have notebooks full of analysis." He had a point. All for One made me stay anonymous for this exact reason. He would always make sure no one knew my identity it would spoil the plans if they were to find out who I was. Just as I were to fight back the doors slammed open. It was Giran. He handed me a pile of letters with my name printed on them. It was official I would be going to UA. I scanned the papers to see what my quirk was, they wouldn't list me as having All for One surely.

"Manipulation?" I asked.

"You know the one where you can manipulate the ground and peoples minds." Toga butted in. She had been reading over my shoulder. I sighed and headed up to my room.

"You start tomorrow." I heard Shiggy call from down at the pub. I grunted. Seriously I didn't want to do this, but I had no choice. If Shiggy said I had to do something I had to do it. It had always been this way for as long as I could remember. I laid in my bed and slowly drifted off to sleep.


"MUM! DAD!" I cried out as flames engulfed the building, I called my home. I watched them scream and cry out in pain. "Y/N!"

I jolted awake. I was gasping for air as a cold sweat dripped from my forehead. I heard a knock at my door.

"Its unlocked" I called out slowly calming down. Toga stood in the doorway holding out a uniform for me. It was for UA. I forgot I was starting today. They managed to forge the documents, so it looked like I got in through recommendation. Toga laid the pile of clothes next to me.

"Only one quirk remember." She spoke softly. I nodded my head then was embraced with a hug. Toga was like a sister to me I was sad I had to leave her.

She left the room as I slowly slipped into the uniform. I hated it, the skirt was too short, and the blazer was an ugly shade of grey. Oh well I would just have to deal with it for now. I went back down to the bar and grabbed some toast.

"Kurogiri would you mind taking me there?" I asked. I knew he wouldnt say no as I would be late. He sighed and I saw a purple warp gate open next to me. "Thank you." I said before stepping through it. I appeared in a small alley way. I knew he wouldnt bring me right outside the school as it would risk my cover being blown, UA is only a 2-minute walk from here.


I stood outside a tall door with 1A written on the front. This was it, I would have to act as though I wanted to be here, as though I wanted to be a hero following after all might. The thought of it disgusted me. I took a deep breath in as I opened the door. I examined the room, scanning over my fellow classmates.

"Can we help you extra". A boy with spiky blonde hair said to me harshly.

"Bakubro dont be so rude." A boy with red hair like the blonde one replied.

"Hey are you lost." A green haired boy asked me sweetly.

"No, Im a new student here, My names Y/N."

"Oh well nice to meet you Im Izuku Midoriya but everyone calls me Deku." Deku, isnt that another way of saying useless.

"I'm Tenya Iida I hope you enjoy your time at this fine institution." A boy with glasses said. He was moving his arms like a robot, not bending his wrists at all. I giggled a bit.

"So pretty." A short boy with purple balls on his head said. He was drooling at the mouth, yuck what a perv. With that our home room teacher entered and the class went dead silent as everyone sat down in their seats.

"Y/N take the spare seat at the back next to Todoroki and Uraraka." A girl with short brown hair smiled at me. I'm assuming she was Uraraka and the boy with red and white hair was Todoroki. Aizawa started to talk but I wasn't really listening, I was just thinking about what all my friends were doing back at the bar.


I was gazing out the window when I heard someone whisper my name. I looked around but I couldn't see who it was. It brought my attention back to Aizawa.

"Alright thats it for class today, only one week until your final exams Im sure youre all studying right? Don't forget to keep training, the written exam is only one element theres also the practical portion to worry about good luck". I heard him say as he left class. Everyone jumped out their seats and started to panic. I just sat there in silence really. I had no one to talk to and I was wondering who called out my name.

"Hey, I heard someone say as they approached my desk. I noticed you got a bit distracted during the class but when I heard Aizawa talking about the exam I thought I should let you know." I locked eyes with the boy talking to me "I'm Eijiro Kirishima." He smiled showing his pointy teeth, they reminded me of a shark. I smiled at him and as I opened my mouth to answer back, he was dragged away by the blonde boy earlier. I was back to just sitting by myself. I decided I would go talk to Midoriya, he seemed very nice.

"Hey." I spoke as I walked over to him.

"Hello." He smiled up at me as I stared into his deep green eyes, they matched his curly hair. "Do you maybe want to eat lunch with us, I know your new here, but I was hoping we could be friends." Ugh friends with a wanna be hero I couldnt imagine anything worse.

"Sure. I lied." This was really what I imagined hell to be like.

Word Count: 1168

Thanks for reading my story Ill try to publish part 2 as soon as possible but tomorrow I have school and probly a lot of homework.

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